consequence of my bad health a great deal of work had been left undone which I was obliged to do after the recovery of my health. If in future you will write me, I shall at once fulfil your wishes regarding books and other things you want.
As you require me to do so I shall tell you the price of the books which will be despatched to you in two or three days.
But I should like much better your sending me in exchange some books I need very urgently and which I cannot otherwise procure for my use. They are:
As second copy of શ્રીમંત ગાયકવાડ સરકારના આશ્રયથી પ્રકાશિત પ્રાચીન ગુજરાતી ગદ્યપદ્યમય વતાલ પચવીસી, સશેાધન કરી છપાવી પ્રસિદ્ધ કરતા જગજીવનદાસ દયાળજી મેાદી. સખ ડેપ્યુટી એજ્યુકેશનલ ઈન્સ્પેકટર ખાંભા મહાલ, વડોદરા રાજ્ય સવત ૧૯૭૨ ઈ. સ. ૧૯૧૬.
I require this book as I wish to teach Miss Krause (mentioned before in letter) the elements of Gujarati. This book is for this aim much more useful than any other, as it contains the text in modern Gujarati as well as in ancient Gujarati, both metrical and prose. If it was possible now to buy Indian books with our money, I should long ago have ordered several copies of this little work for the library of the "Indian Institute" whose director I am, in order to have a text. book placed before my pupils. As things stand now, it is impossible for me to teach Gujarati for the want of text books. But if I should have at least one more copy, I should be able to teach this language to Miss Krause, who, as I told you before, is a very promising scholar and who has declared to me that she eagerly desires to work in the direction of Jain Sanskrit and Gujarati literature.
Besides, this, I eagerly want the following books: Wilson Philological Lectures on Sanskrit & the derived languages, Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat