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## Āgama Sūtra 38, Chhedasūtra-5, 'Jītakalpa' Sūtra - 79
One who performs other austerities well, more than Jīta conduct, should not be given Jīta conduct penance by giving other penances. If one is a Vaivavacchāri, then a little penance should be given.
(Now it is called Chhed penance.) Sūtra-80
Give Chhed penance to those who are proud of austerity, or are unable to perform austerity, or who have no faith in austerity, or who cannot restrain themselves from austerity, or who are Atiparināmi-Apvāda-sevī, or who have few companions. Sūtra-81-82
Those who are mostly destroyers of Uttaraguṇa, who repeatedly commit Chheyāvatti, i.e., Chhed āvṛtti, who are Pāsaththa, Osanna Kushīla, etc., even those who repeatedly commit Vaivavacch of a Sanvigna Sadhu, who perform six-month austerity in the excellent austerity land, i.e., the rule of Vīra Prabhu, who have remaining Charitra, give them Chhed penance for five, ten, fifteen years, or up to six months, or as many Paryāyas as they have taken.
(Now the Mūla penance is explained.) Sūtra-83
Those who repeatedly commit Prāṇātipāta, the killing of the five senses, sexual intercourse with aversion or pride, Mṛṣāvāda-Adattādāna or Parigraha from the excellent, give them Mūla penance. Sūtra - 84
Those who are proud of austerity, who are unable to perform austerity, who have no faith in austerity, who find fault with or destroy Mūla-Uttaraguṇa, who abandon Darshan and Charitra, or who abandon duties like Darshan, etc., such a Shaiksha (Shaiksha, etc., all) also receives Mūla penance. Sūtra-85-86
Those who are extremely depressed, who commit violence, etc., against a householder or other Tirthika, who take or destroy a woman's womb, such a Sadhu - he has been told to perform austerity, such austerity - Chhed or Mūla, Anvasthāpya or Pāraṃcita penance, if he transgresses it, then Paryāya Chhed, Anvasthāpya, Pāraṃcita austerity should be completed, then he should be established in Mūla penance. In the case of an objection to Mūla, Mūla penance is repeatedly given.
(Now Anvasthāpya penance is explained.) Sūtra - 87
Those who repeatedly have hatred towards the excellent, who steal with their mind, who strike with a terrible result and without impartiality, either for their own side or for the other side, give them Anvasthāpya penance. Sūtra-88
Where Pāraṃcita penance is given for all offenses by doing enough, there the Upādhyāya should be given Anvasthāpya penance, where Anvasthāpya penance is given by doing enough, there also give Anvasthāpya penance. Sūtra - 89
Anvasthāpya is said to be of four kinds: Linga, Kshetra, Kāla, and Tapa, which cannot be established in Vrata or Linga, i.e., Vesh, which seems inappropriate for Pravrajyā, give them Anvasthāpya penance. There are two kinds of Linga: Dravya and Bhāva, Dravyalinga, i.e., Rajoharaṇa, and Bhāvalinga, i.e., Mahāvrat.
Muni Dīparatnasāgar Kṛt “(Jītakalpa)” Āgama Sūtra-Hindi Anuvāda"
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