Retro C
Journal of the America
anin MIA
Oriental Society
The widence of the Atoka Interpon the new instances of the change intervalle -> the complexity of the time theater in the
sand in Classical Sanskrit en central Asokan iption the palatal but the etym o l some of these may su does not the dental in all be lowed .
E m where the expected when the co o l all the individual examples are equally poding Sanskrit words contain and
there can be doubt about the
existence of a prikriti che of Inter in the G P
riptions how Edit from Lure Nandanghand Laura Armas
that o f the distinctive value of north AS, P rati
wester disruher than escort This is m
e nt with the way in which the cha X SEHPA
change of intervale t
r adusly e otherwise, where
panded in Vedie and Carl Sanskrit: develop On the other hand the distinction betwem thens that are cateringin wa
a r palatal and the dental m i nd the prominent in their mild increase in late Vedic wete Alo i sition and in the Niyames with the eastward expansion of Indo-Aryan dialect, and the two monteur In contrast, while developments that n orthwestem dial Gimar REVO Gimar RE eta in origin, such
exercises and Il is not
prstent influence on Vedle and Classical Sans In the case of the ro d ental distinction the position reversed and set out by M A
Pyrit texts that of and has been Mehendat the custom Ackn iptions ma rendered complex by the important role of man Lain distinction that is lost in the northwest, Bript traditions and by the emendations on be where intervocalie denn als are generally half of modern editor in Intervocale position replaced by Pall with its fourfold maal w athe rule everywhere, but the majority of contrast m o n thus represents a more com the Jain paper manuscripts at least preserve plex and probably a more resing system of initial and geminated medial The fol nasal consonants than any of the Abkan dialects Towing questions therefore arise
The phoneme value of appears to have been 1. Was there any phonem distinction between precarious even in Old Indo-Ary there WB
T tendency for to our in complementary 2. Was Initial in seine optione variant distribution within So while ever W o f . Did It wally refert dental rather than med initially, there are already in Vedic examples retroflex articulation
3. OF Wait merely seribal tradition in some medial
Jan u scripts to write initial for
There can be little doubt that at the time of which can only be accounted for by such
t her texts in Andham andhi there was kritiet development. These are mal jewell, barely
honenie distinction between pillar hand in the loved, and and this applied only to the one environ n'hem in the Atharva Veda
ment, the medial eminated consonant. Even As pointed out in an important article by M. there many hesitations can be noted. One of the Maybe there are a number of further well- oldest wets of the Sudan is the thip
in the Discourse on Wow Thea of this IMA M . Aktris in text has been proved by Alsdorby metrelas (Bombay.
1921. LA "Cant ons well as other considerationBut even for this to the Staty to th
e test it is possible to say that
and De Che n
Yol 30 Sushi
- -0-) are kept absolutely apart by De alle tue est, 20
the maps, the chose finds on the whole Men er tre .
am etymologically correct distribution of und in the ext e ndit to the first word in The following may be noted from Alors
The only excepti i
pred important s of this text:
2 ) but there follows another citie particle am)
ople and the whole moun phrase
Isfact phonologically ) 1.24 (can
compound thus hinn (CM ) LT)
bu is a different environment from n ot henna ( ) LS
where the i nitial and therefore dentalIt O
) 11 (Ca
cine that this does not would be difficult to
refect Carna)
teature of actual pronunciation
The evidence of the Prakrit gramma but there is some evidence of tesitation,
ports that of the Dhammapadalaman
writes ne L 223, para sa pad a ) 1.20
ander spawal The same situation is found in other very old
nis replaced by after a vow when it is parts of the came
mol inatedThis obviously exchdes initial for instance the Uttard
for which a separate rule follow hyayama
our optionally in the initial position ( c am) 25.4
L NID has made a critical study of chine (cchina) 25.36
the statement of the oldest grammarian, Varana disse (CO ) 27.1
(. 2) is substituted for but
everywhere. This study shows that the word
saratra was probably & Later addition. The dinne Araga).
option na t ionally in the initial position It seems therefore that to all practical urposes almost certainly Mands for an original nadon not the distinction between and cannot be con in initial s on. The optional initialis civen sidered to be phonemie in Ardhamad by the other grammarians, whether of the East known from the paper manuscripts, still low
or Southern school. The only exceptions known from the palm leat manuscripts. The store Canda who omits rules about and uation generally reflected in the Jain canons and Bharata, who make general reference to that of the Westem kan inscripting the land where the
c o nt, pol Initial position allophone of medial
between the Vindy and the sea. The fact There is evidence that at least for some time that the main on the whole make special this did representa uneophonte distinctions mention of initial
intervocale). V and not simply whim of the scribal tradition support to the view that there has been an earlier This evidence stems not only from the greement allophonte distinction initial media with the northwestern Alkan Inscriptions, but The post Aco Prakrit Inscriptions also a from independent text in particular the firm the evidence of the m ans, but they Gandhari Dhammapada, where excretly the same show gradually more and more examples of the distinction is maintained. It is further show to use of the graphy for the initial at By the be more than a seribal matter by the fact that at fourth century A.D. din varably in all the beginning of entitie particles and pronouns positions. The same situation is found in the
is written even in the texts which Svetmbar Jain palmeu ma ripts, in the preserve the initial dental. This can be wen
Jain Sau l texts and in Apabama it was the particles indeed has been pointed out already stated by Master that the basal was by J. Browth
withion of the Gandh inand Middle EndAryan dasan initial Dhammapadaan enclitie particle forms with the but raphically rather than h a lly and the preceding word a single mit which, phonological tradition was not continued. Nevertheless this ly. Is in effects compound in all
it s tradition of spelling has some relevance to pro
The United by Char
l es PP 102
MG al Series, vol . 1
Pra , 19 3 3
. 1
Vol 1