Adoration after removing the duality of internal-thoughts (bhāvya) and external-activity (bhāvaka), and merging the 'Self® with the Supreme Being is the non-dual (advaita) obeisance. The soul itself is the worshipped and the worshipper.
Having worshipped the Tīrthańkara (the Arhat), the Liberated Souls (the Siddha), the Chief Preceptors (ācārya), the Preceptors (upādhyāya) and the Ascetics (sādhu), I adopt the state of equanimity (sāmya), i.e., passionless conduct-withoutattachment (vītarāga cāritra).
I adopt this state of equanimity (sāmya), the source of attainment of liberation, from the five Supreme Beings who are the principal abode of pristine faith and knowledge.