With the exception of the lowest degree, wherever there is difference of two degrees in greasiness and roughness, whether even or odd, there is combination of similar or dissimilar types (greasiness with greasiness, roughness with roughness, and greasiness with roughness).
Explanatory Note: Both, greasiness and roughness, have infinite divisions but combination of atoms takes place only when there is the difference of two degrees in greasiness or roughness. Combination between atoms cannot take place in any other way. There is no combination of atoms which are characterized by the lowest degree (one degree) of greasiness or roughness. There is no combination of one degree of greasiness with one, two, numerable, innumerable or infinite degrees of greasiness. In the same manner, there is no combination of one degree of greasiness with one, two, numerable, innumerable or infinite degrees of roughness. Similarly, it should be understood with regard to one degree of roughness.
णिद्धत्तणेण दुगुणो चदुगुणणिरेण बंधमणुभवदि। लुक्खेण वा तिगुणिदो अणु बज्झदि पंचगुणजुत्तो 2-74॥
स्निग्धत्वेन द्विगुणश्चतुर्गुणस्निग्धेन बन्धमनुभवति ।
रूक्षेण वा त्रिगुणितोऽणुर्बध्यते पञ्चगुणयुक्तः ॥2-74॥ सामान्यार्थ - [ स्निग्धत्वेन ] चिकनेपने से [ द्विगुणः ] दो अंशरूप परिणत परमाणु [चतुर्गुणस्निग्धेन ] चार अंशरूप परिणत हुए परमाणु से [ बंधं ] बंध अवस्था को [अनुभवति ] प्राप्त होता है [ वा] अथवा [रूक्षेण ] रूखेपने से [ त्रिगुणितः अणुः ] तीन अंशरूप परिणत परमाणु [ पञ्चगुणयुक्तः ] पाँच अंशरूप परिणत हुए परमाणु से संयुक्त हुआ [ बध्यते ] बंध को प्राप्त होता है।