The degrees, from one to many, of greasiness (snigdha) and roughness (rūkşa) in the indivisible atom (paramāņu) are due to its power of transformation (pariņamana). There are infinite degrees of greasiness and roughness.
Explanatory Note: The indivisible atom (paramāņu) has the qualities of greasiness (snigdha) and roughness (rūkşa); these qualities have infinite kinds of transformations and, hence, divisions. The last, indivisible part is called the 'avibhāgapraticcheda'. To illustrate the degrees of greasiness and roughness examples are given of the milk of the she-goat, the buffalo, and the camel, and the buttermilk (ghee) that have increasing degrees of greasiness, and of the particles of dust, ash, and sand that have increasing degrees of roughness. There are infinite degrees of greasiness and roughness.
णिद्धा वा लुक्खा वा अणुपरिणामा समा व विसमा वा। समदो दुराधिगा जदि बझंति हि आदिपरिहीणा 2-73॥
स्निग्धा वा रूक्षा वा अणुपरिणामाः समा वा विषमा वा । समतो व्यधिका यदि बध्यन्ते हि आदिपरिहीणाः ।2-73॥
सामान्यार्थ - [अणुपरिणामाः] परमाणु के परिणाम - पर्याय-भेद [ स्निग्धा वा] स्निग्ध होवें [वा ] अथवा [रुक्षाः ] रूक्ष होवें [समा वा ] दो, चार, छह इत्यादि अंशों की गिनती कर सम अंश वाले हों [ विषमा वा] अथवा तीन, पाँच, सात इत्यादि विषम अंश वाले हों परंतु [यदि] जो [आदिपरिहीणाः] जघन्य अंश से रहित [ समतः ] गिनती की समानता से [ द्वयधिकाः ] दो अंश अधिक होवें तब [बध्यन्ते हि ] आपस में बंधते हैं, अन्य रीति से नहीं।