own-nature (svabhāva) of the substance (dravya) is, certainly, the quality (guna) of existence ( sattā ). Because the substance (dravya) is established in this quality (guna) of existence (sattā), it is called 'sat' - that which exists. This is the Doctrine of Lord Jina.
Explanatory Note: The own-nature (svabhāva) that every substance (drvaya ) possesses, in all transformations (parināma), is the quality (guna) of existence (sattā). This quality (guna) of existence (sattā) is indistinguishable from the substance (drvaya) itself as it is the own-nature (svabhāva) of the substance (drvaya). This quality (guna) of existence (sattā ) is the differentia - the most ubiquitous mark of the substance (drvaya). The substance (drvaya) is present in its quality (guna) of existence (sattā). Because of this quality (guna) of existence (sattā), the substance (drvaya) is called ‘sat’ – that which exists. The existence (sattā) is the quality (guna) of the substance (drvaya), the possessor-ofquality (gunī) .
गुण व कोई पज्जाओ त्तीह वा विणा दव्वं । दव्वत्तं पुण भावो तम्हा दव्वं सयं सत्ता ॥2-18॥
नास्ति गुण इति वा कश्चित् पर्याय इतीह वा विना द्रव्यम् । द्रव्यत्वं पुनर्भावस्तस्माद्द्रव्यं स्वयं सत्ता 12-18॥
सामान्यार्थ – [ इह ] इस जगत् में [ द्रव्यं विना ] द्रव्य के बिना [ गुण इति ] गुण ऐसा [ वा ] अथवा [ पर्याय: इति ] पर्याय ऐसा [ कश्चित् ] कोई पदार्थ [ नास्ति ] नहीं है। [ पुनः ] और [ द्रव्यत्वं ] द्रव्य का अस्तित्व [ भावः ] उसका स्वभावभूत गुण है [ तस्मात् ] इसलिये [ द्रव्यं ] द्रव्य [ स्वयं ] आप ही [ सत्ता ] अस्तित्वरूप