एगंतेण हि देहो सुहं ण देहिस्स कुणदि सग्गे वा । विसयवसेण दु सोक्खं दुक्खं वा हवदि सयमादा ।।1-66॥
एकान्तेन हि देहः सुखं न देहिनः करोति स्वर्गे वा । विषयवशेन तु सौख्यं दुःखं वा भवति स्वयमात्मा ॥1-66॥
सामान्यार्थ - [ एकान्तेन ] एकान्त से अर्थात् नियम से [हि ] निश्चयकर [ देहः ] शरीर [ देहिनः ] देहधारी आत्मा को [ स्वर्गे वा ] स्वर्ग में भी [ सुखं ] सुखरूप [ न करोति] नहीं करता [तु] किन्तु [ विषयवशेन ] विषयों के आधीन होकर [ आत्मा स्वयं ] यह आत्मा आप ही [ सौख्यं वा दुःखं ] सुखरूप अथवा दुःखरूप [ भवति ] होता है।
In fact, even in the heaven, the body is not the cause of happiness that the soul experiences. The soul transforms itself into the state of happiness or misery when it is under the influence of the sensual-pleasures.
Explanatory Note: Existence as the heavenly being is superior to other states of worldly existence. Heavenly beings are endowed with excellent transformable body (vaikriyika śarīra) and even that body is not the real cause of happiness. It is the nature of the soul that, under the influence of the desirable and the undesirable objects, it assumes the state of happiness or misery. The body is not the cause of the soul's happiness or misery.