पप्पा इट्ठे विसये फासेहिं समस्सिदे सहावेण । परिणममाणो अप्पा सयमेव सुहं ण हवदि देहो ॥1-65॥
प्राप्येष्टान् विषयान् स्पर्शैः समाश्रितान् स्वभावेन । परिणममान आत्मा स्वयमेव सुखं न भवति देहः ॥1-65॥
सामान्यार्थ - [ स्पर्शैः ] स्पर्शनादि पाँच इन्द्रियों से [ समाश्रितान् ] भले-प्रकार आश्रित [ इष्टान् विषयान् ] प्यारे भोगों को [ प्राप्य ] पाकर [ स्वभावेन ] अशुद्ध ज्ञान-दर्शन स्वभाव से [ परिणममानः आत्मा ] परिणमन करता हुआ आत्मा [ स्वयमेव ] आप ही [ सुखं ] इन्द्रिय-सुख स्वरूप [ भवति ] है, [ देहः ] शरीर [ 'सुखं' ] सुखरूप [ न ] नहीं है।
On experiencing agreeable pleasures that depend on the senseorgans like touch, the soul, transformed into its impure nature, becomes of the nature of happiness that the sensual-pleasures provide; the body is not of the nature of happiness.
Explanatory Note: Even in the embodied state of the soul, we do not see that the body is the cause of its happiness. Due to delusion and under influence of the sensual-pleasures, the soul transforms itself into the deplorable state of impure knowledge, perception and energy. In its impure state, the soul assumes happiness in enjoyment of the sensual-pleasures. The body being inanimate, it can never be the substantive-cause (upādāna karana) of the effect that is happiness. The truth is that even in its worldly state, the body is not the cause of happiness, the soul is.