________________ SXSXXSXSS: INTRODUCTION TO JAINISM SXSXSXSXSXSX $9488SXSXSS INTRODUCTION TO JAINISM $${$SASA ARHAM SPIRITUAL CENTRE'S Saurashtra Kesari Pranguru Jain Philosophical & Literary Research Centre Saurashtrakesari PoojyaShri Pranguru had a very distinguished wisdom and knowledge. He contributed greatly in the study of scriptures, in collecting and preserving tadpatriya manuscripts, in establishing libraries of scriptures and pathshalas. Perceiving this unique contribution to immortalise the name of Gurudev on the occasion of his Birth Century, the above trust inspired by P. Bapji & P. Dr. Tarulataji M.S. has founded "Saurashtra KesariPranguru Jain Philosophical and Literary Research Centre". The objectives of the Centre are as follows : * To study, research, edit and publish Jain philosophy, Indian Darshans civilization and literature. * To present Jainism scientifically. * To research ancient manuscripts and Tadpatriya scriptures and conduct library activities. * Keeping Jainism at the core, to develop humanitarian activities. * To offer scholarships to students studying and researching Jain literature. * To arrange lectures GYANSATRA by scholars and Saints! * To organise camps and such other programmes that cultivate religious and meritorious qualities. To publish culture oriented qualitative literature. * To encourage research paper reading, script reading and reading of old Jain manuscripts. * To extend co-operation, facilities and guidance to shravakas and saints and Mahasatijis to gain knowledge of those who are working for M.A., Ph.D. or M.Phil and to publish the k. * To prepare CD's on ancient Jain books, Paintings, Sculpture, architecture etc. * To propagate Jainism in the country and abroad by arranging seminars, lectures, etc. and by providing information about Jain philosophy and literature through a website on the Internet. Wishing your co-operation : Gunvant Barvalia (Trustee) Arham Spritual Centre's SKPG Jain Philosophical & Literary Research Centre, Office No. 2, Mevad Patanwala Estate, L.B.S. Road, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai - 400 086. | Ph. : 022-42153545 * M : 09820215542 gunvant.barvalia@gmail.com - 91