Of Mairuk's vaulted roofs the sculpt'ral art Would fill with wonder e'en an augel's heart. The subterraueous statue, sprinkliug drops Of vectar, inarked with Samprat's elbow props. Kuinarpal, priuce of Gujarat, full of fame, To group of shrines bequeaths his hallowed pamer Twiu brothers, Vastupal and Tejpal made A triad of temples. Samprat, Shigram paid Their def'reuce due to Arhats' doctrines dear, By building sanctuaries glitt'ring here. Old Kind of Bheem reflects the azure sky, And wild voracious vultures soaring high; Whose water washes worsh'ppers'"filth away And makes them fit to enter shrines and pray. The feet of Rama the foe of Rawan fell, Acharjis’ lib'ral harbour, "Bhairav knell. The thousand trees where $ Krishna's Cousin got Omniscient vision, and salvation sought, Retreats of rare repute replete with rites Religious, right reveal romantic sights. Absorbed in meditation of the soul Live mouks aud friars to reach the highest goal. Observiug vows monastic multi-from,
*Bhairva jap.
Aho ! Shrutgyanam