Grand Girnar, pious place of pilgrims pure, Miraculous mount of prime devotion, sure; odigeous pile of prehistoric plays Of mystic myths in prediluvian days; In mirth to welcome weary trav❜llers meets, With stony steps and halting houses greets; And gives them gifts of foliage, fruits and flowers, Elysian air, and plants of marv'llous powers, Medic'nal fluid, converting into gold
All baser metals, as some ancients hold; Elixirs, keeping verdant bloom of life, And free from old age, death and temp'ral strife. Panaceas, healing every human pain, Philosopher's stone and jewels that bring the rain. The Damodarji viaduct, shrine and pool, God Bhavnath close to †Gazel pond so cool; The Golden stream with lymph of silver bright, In sinuous spray enchants both ear and sight. Stupendous Nemnath's fortress shines sublime; Olympian, orient, consecrated clime. Pyramid'l pagods pealing blithesome bells, High domes, gay spires, celestial anch'rite cells.
†Mrigi Kund.
Suvarna Rekha.
Aho! Shrutgyanam