________________ 90 The ill. of (i ) above is not traceable. 1 The ill. of the second is (p. 84, 1. 12): danta-ksatani karajais ca vipatitani prodbhinna-sandra pulake bhavatah sariro / datani rakta-manasa miga-raja. vadhva jataspyhair munibhir apy avalokitani // Here Santa and Srngara are equipollent, hence faultless." The illustration of the third is: kramantyah ksata.komalarguli-valad raktaih sadarbhah sthalih, padaih patita pavakair iva putad baspambu-dhautananah/ bhita bharty-karavalambita-karas tvacchatru-naryo'dhuna, davagnin parito bhramanti punara py udyad-vivaha iva // 3 Here both, the Erotic and the Pathetic Rasas are subordinated to the emotion (bhava) of devotion (Rati) for the king, hence there is no fault. (p 84, 1. 17) Here a question is posed as to how this contradiction goes away when the two contradictory Rasas are subordinated (anyaparatve) to the main . * The reply (not actually traceable in Viveka) is: Such an opposition is objectionable in a positive injunction (vidhi) and not in a mere explanatory repetition (anuvada). 5 The ill. is (p. 85, 1. 2): chi gaccha patottistha vcda maunah samacara / evam asa-graha-grastaik kridanti dhanino'rthibhih // Here 'come' (chi) and 'go' (gaccha) etc, are contradictory between themselves but are not so in relation to kridanti (play), for they are mere explanatory repetitions (anuvada), illustratirg the manper in which the rich play with the hopefully expectant supplicants'. Such a relation 1. The ill. is, "TE Thalearf atawaafah&: 1 ar*47797431 atafanya: 7:4" quoted from the Mahabharata, in ea. (P. 377), K, P. (P. 378) and H. K. S. (P. 152). According to Viveka in this verse Srngara and santa are on the same footing. Some commentators of K, P. do take this verse to be the ill, of samya. Udyota and Pradipa (op. cit. P. 379) think that here Srngara is subordinate to santa. Hemacandra is also of the same, opinion (vide H, L. S.-P. 167, 1. 14). Quoted in K. P. (P. 379). The original (P. 84. 1. 12) borrows from K. P., "379 25 tafayet Trauf galaa &c! K. P. (P. 379). The reading 'go' etc is not correct, it should be a 25), as in ms. T. 4. Original borrows from tao : 37=UTTasto fattaat: fatiafafa: &c (P. 369) 5. fait parlat la: Algaia . (P. 369). 6. The verse is quoted in . (P. 371), K, P. (P. 383) & H, K, S. (P. 165) 7. The original borrows from $9." ga fastar Two ofteafarafata: ," (P. 375).