________________ 89 (p. 82, 1. 6) ' If a sentiment is opposed to the main sentiment when these two abide in a common substratum, the former should be made to have a distinct substratum. (p. 82, 1. 9)? When a sentiment is opposed to the main, if it follows closely upon the latter, a third rasa should be made to intervene between these two to avoid fault. (p. 82, 1 14) to (p 83, 1. 24) 9: Here is given a long discussion on the vindication of Santa, which is wholly borrowed by the original from Dhvanyaloka, and from Locana by Viveka. (p. 83, 1. 27) 4 This dosa (of contradiction) can be avoided not merely in a consistent and whole composition (Probandha) but also in a sentence. (p. 84, 1. 1-2) Dhvanyaloka III, 27. is quoted to corroborate the above Karika from Kavya-prakasa, In the ill. the heroic sentiment is introduced between the sentiments of Loathing (Brbhatsa) and of Love (Srngara), which are contradictory. Here the bodies of the dead heroes are described along with their heavenly recomperise in the form of close embraces from celestial nymphs.b (p. 84, 1, 12) The mention of a sentiment contrary to the pertinent principal Rasa is harmless if (i) it is evoked through reminiscence, or (ii) it is sought to be equipollent with the main Rasa, or (iii) the two contrary Rasas are subordinated to the principal Rasa. 1. आश्रयैक्ये विरुद्धो यः स कार्यों भिन्नसंश्रयः / K. P. VII. 16 ab.. 1. रसान्तरेणान्तरितो नैर्यन्तर्येण यो रसः / ' K. P. VII. 16 cd. 3. P. 82, 1. 14 (cf. ध्व. P. 390); P. 82, 1. 15 to 18 (cf. लो०-P. 390); P. 8', 1. 19-20 (cf. म०-P. 590); P. 82, 1. 21 to P. 83, 1. 13 (cf. लो०-P. 390 to P. 593, 1: 1); P. 83, 1. 13 to 1 24 is a mixture of ध्व० and लो० (cf. ध्व० & लो०-Pp. 393-394); P. 83, 1. 25- the original borrows from लो० (P. 389). 4. (P. 83, 1. 27) Here the original borrows from K. P. : न परं प्रबन्धे यावदेकस्मिन्नपि __वाक्ये रसान्तर व्यवधिना विरोधो निवर्तते / K. P. (P. 397). 5. भूरेणुदिग्धान्नवपारिजातमालारजोवासितबाहुमध्याः / / गाढं शिवाभिः परिभ्यमागान्सुराङ्गनाश्लिष्टभुजान्तरालाः // सशोणितः ऋव्यभुजां स्फुरद्भिः पक्षः खगानामुपवीज्यमानान् / संवीजिताश्चन्दनवारि सेकैः सुगन्धिभिः कल्पलतादुकूलैः / / विमानपर्यङ्कतलेनिषण्णाः कुतूहलाविष्टतया तदानीम् / निर्दिश्यमानांल्लल नाङगुलीभिर्वीराः स्वदेहान् पतितानपश्यन् / / / / These vers s are also quoted in K. P. and H. K. S. in the same context (vide K. P.P. 377 and H. K. S.-P 163.) . स्मर्यमाणो विरुद्धोऽपि साम्येनाऽथ विवक्षितः। अङ्गिन्यङ्गत्वमाप्तौ यौ तौ न दुष्टौ परस्परम् // K. P. VII. 16 (Pp. 377-78)