________________ 69 (c) When it is contradicted by sabada (word), there are two possibilities: (1) when the word is accepted as authoritative by all, (it is sarvagama.virodhini (contradicted by all the scriptures)], and (2) when the word is accepted as authoritative by oneself either presently or previously (at any other time). In the first case the dosa is tadartha-virodhini, in the second, i.e. when the word is accepted as authoritative (at any other time), it is siddhanta-virodhini. In short, when pratijna (Thesis) is contradicted by come or the other means of proof five dosas arise, as it is vitiated due to this contradiction. When it is established by a powerful means of proof one dosa arises. So there are six dosas of Thesis? (Pratijna). The illustrations of these dosas are not traceable in Viveka. 2 (viii) (P. 56, 1. 11) With a view to point out the dosas of Reason (hetu), the latter is defined thus: Reason (hetu) is that which is accepted by both the parties (i.e. the vadi and the prativadi) and which is present in a Similar case (sapaksa) and absent from a Dis-similar case (vipaksa). It has thus three aspects (laksanas). The contrary of hetu is a defective hetu (hetvabhasa). The words 'accepted by both' (dvayoh san) mean accepted by both the disputants, the protagonist wants to logically establish it, 1. Viveka explains & classfies them. We may summarise that as follows : प्रतिज्ञादोष साधकप्राणाघ्रातत्त्वे (when it is vitiated by a means of proof proving it) it is afgaaf (1) बाधकप्रमाणाघ्रातत्वे (when it is vitiated by a means of proof disproving it) प्रत्यक्षेण बाधिता when it is against perception it is Treareat (2) अनुमानेन बाधिता when it is against Inference it is Ecatarit (3) शब्देन बाधिता when it is against word स्वात्मना प्रमाणत्वेन अभ्युपगतशब्दबाधिनी when it is against Word which is accepted as authoritative not by all, but by oneself either सर्वः प्रमाणत्वेन अभ्युपगतशब्दबाधिनी when it is against word accepted as authoritative by all i e Agama, it is 37[Tafatfaat (6) तात्कालिकरूपेण कालान्तराशीकृता temporatily (or presently) it is at some other time it is aceffarcifaat (4) fagrafatiferat (5) 2. vide B, K. L. V. 14 onwards for the ills of the six dosas of thesis. 3. सन् द्वयोः सदृशे सिद्धो व्यावृत्तस्तद्विपक्षतः / kufaemont qat CTTHIht faguara Il B. K. L. V. 21.