undeterred Dharmapala set to work, fought vigorously to rescue the Mohabodhi Temple, reclaimed the sacred places, established centres like Mohabodhi Society, etc. and kept up a continuous stream of propaganda for the spread of the religion. Dharmapala sought to focus on the renaissance of Buddhism in India and particularly on the legally complicated issue of the Moha Bodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya, the attention of the entire Buddhist world. He established the Mohabodhi Society in Colombo on 31st May, 1891. In the beginning of 1892, the office of the Moha Bodhi Society was shifted to Calcutta as its Headquarter. Calcutta, being the gateway of eastern India, location wise it was ideal to have headquarter at Calcutta. In that very year in the month of May, Dharmapala started the Moha Bodhi Journal in order to facilitate the interchange of news between Buddhist countries. In 1901 land was purchased at Sarnath and the office of the Society was established. Through these offices the Society was active untiringly in serving people and in propagating and extension of Buddhism. Establishing not only various learning institutions, the Moha Bodhi Society was also active in making the young generation of the society self-reliant by establishing Technical School at Sarnath, Art and Architecture School at Benaras.
Thus as a result of the earnest endeavor and intense struggle of Anagarika Dharmapala in re-occupying the Moha Bodhi Temple, by salvation of various other sacred temples and monasteries, establishing various Buddhist centers, continual stream of Buddhist propagation for long forty years Buddhism acquired its long lost glory.
The Term 'Caste' As Used In Nikayas
Saswati Mutsuddy, Kolkata
The term 'caste' is usually used in Pali as ‘kula', 'vanna', 'jāti. In Pali English Dictionary it is found that caste has been