they told about their good deed and bad deeds. Whose are followed by the good ways, well path, and Karma they got a nice place which is called vimāna and got the winner of positive spirit and who done the bad karma and distracted by good ways they turned into bad spirit after death and usually called Preta or Peta.
The canonical text Petavatthu and Vimānavatthu describes about the spirits in Buddhism.
The Petavatthu contains with four chapter or vaggas and there are fiftyone stories about the spirits in this book and all are shown their negative doing in their before life.
There is also a sutta, Tirakadda sutta which describe about those spirits and there world.
There is also a world that calls petaloka usually this place where the bad spirit live there after death life. According to Tirakadda Sutta there is no work or food for petas from where they spen their peta life; if any relative offer some food or cloth for them they can got it by this noble donation.
For this reason in every religion has a funeral ceremony. Many country celebrate the festival mainly the China; Thyland; Laos; Vietnam; Singapore; Japan; Srilanka and Burma for the spirits which is called ghost festival.
In Buddhism all spirits did not show their negative powers or energy to anyone; they can visible for those people who can make them free from the Peta world. They told to them for choose a honest path and their bad deeds by which they got birth the petaloka.
Buddhism is the religion of positiveness; its creates the positivity in mind evem its shown the negative things like peta with a positive views. By this positivity its also creates mind as beautiful as the lord Buddhas speech.