neither are the events of our life pre-determined nor do they take place at random. It asserts that every event in our life has in fact no independent existence. All that exists, is eternally out these, does not vanish in any way and does not disintegrate into particles; is dependent on co-interaction with other factors. Dependent arising means "if something appear, such and such result will follow" (asmin sati idam bhavati). It means that all the elements in the wheel of existence are causally conditioned. This was represented by the theory of twelve conservative stages beginnings from avidya to jara-maran. In another sense, dependent arising also means that things are established in dependence and include both physical and mental forms because it includes all the way in which things are dependent upon each other.
Thus, the existence of everything's is conditional. Nothing happens by chance its works automatically without the help of other power or conscious guide.
Significance of Environment in Buddhism
Shravan Kumar, Delhi
All existing things on the earth, no matter who designed whether it is the God or any other super conscious power, consider as environment, including with the earth. Soil, rivers, rocks, trees, lower order, middle order and higher order living beings all are parts in the web of environment. Man is an integral part of the environment. Changes that occur in the environ-ment affect us and our activities change the environment around us.
Today, man in his thirst for pleasure and wealth has exploited environment. Nature's gifts such as air and water have been polluted with several disastrous consequences. Man is now finding different ways and means of overcoming the problems related to environment as his health too is alarmingly threatened. He also