belonged to the Magh tribe. In the State of Tripura they have been mentioned as Magh. Various writers have mentioned the Magh by different names e.g., mag>magh> or maghi. Now in West Bengal the Maghas are included in the list of schedule castes.
The Barua Community has been described as Magh in the appendix of the third chapter of Eastern Bengal District Gazetteer of Chittagong published by LSSO Mally ICS. The religion of the Barua Maghs residing in the southern and eastern part of Chittagong in Buddhism - though they follow some Hindu religious practices. They claim to be a section of the Rajbanshi and the Raj Community. As the cause of this they claim themselves to be the successors of the king of Arakan. Those kings migrated to Arakan from Magadh or modern Bihar. The word ‘Magh' is derived from the original dwelling place of the Baruas, even the illiterate Maghs also claim themselves to be Magadh Kashatriyas – because their ancestors originated from the royal Kashatriya class of Magadh.
The Impact of Tourism on Heritage Sites - A
Case Study of Ajanta Caves
Sanjay Paikrao, Aurangabad
UNESCO world class heritage is declared on the basis of price less cultural and valuable heritage having immense value to humanity and its unequal and unparallel place in the world of art and culture. India is a cradle of cultural tourism. According to Dr. Allchin, face lifting of heritage sites is highly required to make them suitable for international tourism. However, during last 60 years, in the post independence period the tourism industry has made considerable impact on heritage sites both in positive and negative manner. A case study of UNESCO heritage