No. 7]
46 Narayana . . .
Kafyapa . 46 Singanna . . . . . . . . . .
Do. . . 47 Baladeva . . . . . . . . .
Harita 48 Narayana . .
Do.. . 49 Sömanātha . . . . . . . .
Do.. . Achanns . .
Kausika 51 Chandanna
Do. . Somanātha . . . . . . . . .
Vishộuvșiddha 33 Vishnu . .
Kaundinya 54 Narayana . .
Do.. . 2 55 Dipadēvaņa
Vasishtha. 68 Mallanna! . .
Garga 87 Singa-gaunde 58 Sanka-gaunda . . 89 Malla-gaunda . . 80 the god Udbhavakēšava 81 the god Malasthånadeva . . . . . . 62 the god Pañchikēsvara. . . . . . . .
for & sattra . . for & khandikat for bhaffa-oritti : . for båla-likaha . . . . . . . for the pitri-parvan? . . . . . . . .
for a tank at Hullale (i.. Hullalegere of lines 29-30) Verse 9 (lines 77-78) states that the grant was made by the general (chamūpa) Malla along with his wife Chikkamba and his son Sangama. After three of the usual imprecatory verses, the last stanza of the record says that the document was written by the learned Süryanārasimha, son of Madhavārya. Though the grant ends with the words mangala »*) mahā-sri[h] in line 84, the
1 Names of Nos. 55-56 are added later at the end of the charter. *Two of these deities are referred to as Visudēvs and Mahadeva in lines 73-74.
Sattra means a feeding house. For similar grants, see B.K. No. 21 of 1926-27, and No. 13 of 1936-37.
• Khandikā means & school'. See B.K. No. 66 of 1927-38. For grants to a Rigveda-khandika and Purarakhandikā, see B.K. No. 84 of 1927-28; B.K. No. 93 of 1936-37.
It means a yritti or gift for the maintenance of a bhaffa or tsacher, i.e., for teaching. For the gift of bhatta-oritti for touching Nyāya, etc., and for reciting the Purana, nee respectively B.K. Nos. 47 and 93 of 1936-37
It means ' education of the children', probably in the chandità referred to above. B.K. No. 84 of 1927-28 also records a gift for bala-hiksha in the Rigveda-khandika besides another gift to the samo kandika.
Piri-paruan may mean braddha or dana on each Amardaya day. A damaged inscription (B.K. No. 180 of 1939-33) sooms to record a similar gift for Vishnu-fraddha.