While in Hemadri's account Bhillama figures as a son of Mallugi I, the father of Amara-Gangeya and Amara-Mallagi (Mallugi II), the Gadag inscription represents him as the grandson of Mallugi I. The stanza in question in Hemadri's Vratakhanda runs as follows:
Mahipates tasya vihāya putrān-guṇ-ānuraktā Yadu-vaṁśa-lakshmiḥ | Bri-Bhillamam tasya tataḥ pitrivyam-avyāja-rajad-bhujam-ājagāma ||
The discrepancy between the two accounts may be reconciled if putrān-gun-ānuraktā is regarded as a copyist's error for putran-gun-anuraktā. As it is, the stanza means to say that the royal fortune of the Yadavas left the sons of Kaliya Ballala and passed on to his paternal uncle Bhillama. But the proposed emendation would make Bhillama the paternal uncle of the son of Kaliya Ba Ilala and not of Kaliya Ballāla himself. This suits the context nicely. As the verse now reads, the word tasya occurring once in the first foot and again in the third foot would refer in both the cases to Kaliya Ballala. This is not quite happy. With the proposed emendation, the first tasya would refer to Kaliya Ballala and the second to his son.
If the above suggestions are accepted, the genealogy would stand as follows:
Mallugi I
Ama(pa)ra-Mallagi or Mallugi II alias Karna or Krishna
Bhillama I
Jaitugi Simhana
A passage in prose between verses 5 and 6 endows Simhana with his usual titles, viz. Śrīprithe callabha, Mahārājādhirāja, Paramescara, Paramabhaṭṭāraka, Dvaravatipuravarādhisvara, Rayanarayana and Prandhapratapachakravartin. Verse 6 then describes Bichiraya1 as Simhana's viceroy (deśanamadhipak). He is known to us as the donor of the Haralahalli plates which describe him as a viceroy of the same king in the southern provinces (dakshina-kshōni-rāya) and suggest that he played an important part in Simhana's southern conquests as his other general Khōlēsvara played in his conquests in the north.3
Kaliya-Ballala 1
In verse 8 and in the following passage in prose in lines 21-25, Malli-śreshthin is introduced as the husband of Chikkamba, as the son-in-law of Bichi-raya, and as famous among the traders. It is also said that this Malli-śreshthin got from Bichi-śreshthin the adhipatya (probably meaning 'governnorship') of Beluvala-rajya. It is interesting to note that he got the governorship not from the king but from his father-in-law who was apparently the governor of several districts including Beluvala-rajya. In a record dated 1248 A.D., the same Malli-setti, represented as making a grant at the instance of his father-in-law Bichana (i.c. Bichi-setti), figures as the Sarvadhikarin.
Bomb. Gaz., op. cit., p. 243. A.R. Ep., 1926, No. 426.
He is referred to as Blchi-éreshthin (setti) in line 24 and as Vichana, Bicha and Bichideva in other records (Bom. Gaz., op. cit., p. 523).
Cf. text lines 26 ff. It is further said that Bichi-setti was a son of one Chikka, the younger brother of Malla and the husband of Amangana,