A. Artioles
No. 1. Graeco-Aramaic Inscription of Asoka near Kandahar.
Paris. . . . . . . . . .
By J. Filliozat, . . . .
, 2. Brahmi Inscriptions from Mathura. By D. C. Sircar, Ootacamund
1. Inscription of Kaniskha's Reign, Year 4 2. Inscription of Year 92 . . .
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3. Inscription of Nripamitra
.. 3. Buddhist Inscription from Kausambi. By A. Ghosh, New Delhi . . . „ 4. Two Inscriptions from Nagarjunikonda. By D.C. Sircar and ķ. G. Krishnan,
Ootacamund 1. Inscription of the time of Ehavala Chantamula, Year 16 : . 2. Inscription of the time of Rudapurisadata, Year 11 . . . .
6. Taracbandi Rock Inscription of Pratapadhavala, V. 8. 1225. By D. C. Sircar,
Ootacamund . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Mallar Plates of Jayaraja, Year 8. By G. Bhattacharya, Ootacamund, and M. Sivayya, Bilaspur . . . . .
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7. Dharwar Plates of the time of Simhana. By D. C. Sircar and S. Sankaranarayanan, Ootacamund . . .
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8. Boddapadu Plates of Vajrahasta (III), Saka 982. By G. S. Gai, Ootacamund
9. Mallar Plates of Vyaghraraja. By D. C. Sircar and G. Bhattacharya,
Ootacamund . . . . . . . . . . .
„, 10. Mallar Plates of Pravara II, Year 3. By G. Bhattacharya, Ootacamund
.. 11. Fragmentary Inscriptions from Chitorgarh. By D. C. Sircar and G. 8. Gai,
Ootacamond . . . . . . . . . . .
,, 12. Hulgur Inscription of Khottiga, Saka 893. By G. S. Gai, Ootacamund