[Vol. XXXIV 2 yuva [ra]ja-(mätuya)' 8[iva]" khadanāgasiriya deyadhamma[m] nägo tadagam vihāro cha [l":
etha kamatiko amacho Khadasāti [l*] Sajayatakasa achariyasa [T]3 [da]morakasa sisena Natakena nägo kato (l"]
1 Böhler roads two letters before this w paja and corrects the word into pajdya. Indraji restores it as but jaya.
*In place of varaja, Bahlor roads sal or so whilo Indraji roads sake,
Traon of moan be seen on the impressions. Indraji and Bablor restore the last two letters Mandy. • Buhler roads these two letters as Sada and corroots into Sina.
The vowel looks more like di. • Bühler roads an annodira above me.' * The restoration of the latter is due to Buhler.