[VOL. XXXIV From the philological point of view, the importance of the Aramaic part of our epigraph lies in the fact that it will surely help the interpretation of the two aiready known Aramaic inscriptions related with Asoka, i.e. those from Taxila and Pul-i-Darunteh.
Thus the bilingual inscription deserves the close attention of scholars and raises the hope of new finds in the Kandahar region.
See the bibliography in Lamotte's Histoire du bouddhisme indien, p. 791 ; on the Taxila inscription, cf. also G. X. Bongard-Lovin in Born tatoye Vostokoredenie, 1866, 4, and Radhakrishna Choudhary, Atoks and the Taxila Inscription' in A BORI. Vol. XXXIX, 1958. gp. 127-82.