Arasapa, who ir stated to have been ruling over Sömadapuri, can easily be identified. We know that in 1555 A.D. which is the date of our record, Arasappa-nayaka II (1555-1602 A.D.)1 was ruling over the area including Honnehalli from Sonda (Sōmadapuri of the inscription). The inscription under study gives the earliest date for this chief.
1 Siddham [*] Nama[s-tu]nga-siras-ochunbi(mbi)-chandra-chämara-chārave [*] trailōkya-na2 gar-dranbha(mbha)-müla-staabha(mbha)ya Saabha(mbha)vé [*] Chit-prakido Mahi-Vishnuḥ
3 kamyaya [*] Narasimham vapur-ddhritva viharttum lilayai(y-e)kshatë || [2*] Kalpē Svēta
4 h-akhy Man-Vvaivasvatasya hi [*] sahtäviméad-viparyykyä Salivaha-Sakö
5 Kalau [*] dasavandya-mitē Rakshō-hayane param-ayane ||[3] Arasap-akhyō' ma=
6 hipalaḥ palayan Sömadapurish(rim) [*] dévalayam-akshi(reht)-ah sarva-dava-kpitAlayah(yam) || [4]
7 Ek-aiva bhaghini lõkē sarvvēsham-api bhūbhujāṁ(jām) [[*] na bhōgya na kara-grā
8 hy vipra-dattä vasundhara | [5] Sada-dipa-naivedya-yati-bhiksh-ärttha[m]
.. [*]....
10 purataḥ pūgavādinā11 |||| [6*]
1 Bom. Gaz., Vol. XV, Part II, p. 120, gives the latest date of Arasappa-nayaka as 1598 A.D. But see A. R. Ep., 1939-40, No. E 46; above, Vol. XXXII, p. 80.
Buchanan, op. cit., p. 213.
From impressions.
Expressed by symbol.
The following lines are engraved in the left margin near the beginning of lines 2-4
1 Salivaha-Saka
2 1478 Rakshasa
3 vatsara
The verse has three halves.
Read Arsap-khyo for the sake ofthe metre.
Possibly deva-datta is intended
The intended-reading may be sada-dipa-sanaivedya-yati-bhiksh-ärttham-eva cha.
10 This portion may be restored as bhur-datta Sri-Nrisimhasya.
11 This seems to be an epithet of the donor; but the meaning of the expression is not clear.