(Lines 5-6). The engraver of the above is Vardhamānaka, the Sērbaka (i.e. belonging to the Sēmbaka family or clan); who would not spare even his life in the cause of the Brāhmaṇas and in the cause of (his) friends, (and) who is, as regards (his) qualities, a host to all (and) a friend of all; who is grateful, who has taken a vow of truthfulness; who has subdued the hosts of (his) enemies; who is straight-forward ; who is steadfast in his love for planting banyan trees; (and) who approves of the pious and righteous people. (The above) has been made (ie, composed) by Amātya Tishyaśarman of the Bhardvāja götra by virtue of the god's power. Let there be good to the herds of cows !