[Vol. XXXIV 21 (Barvva-na] [ma]øyamum=igi mellä kälakkam-ava[r]=kkäd-ūduva22 ..... . tti yom[da]neya voittiyagir-achamdr-arkka-ta
...... mhtu dhäräpürba(rva)kam konda kariya nolam mma(ma)ttar-ppattu 24 .... sivēna(ta) nav-ordu || Kala-käl-āmataradol-i vritti25 .. .. .. .. .. Başarāsiyo!" kavileyan=slid=8[ni]ta dosham sa26 [rggun | Sva-dattām para-dattj'äsh va yā harētu(ta) vasundharam(räml) shashțir-vari(t)27 (sha-sahasrüņi)” [vi]ohthāyām jāyatë krimi[1*2
While the above article was going through the press, Shri Gopal copied, in November 1960, another inscription of Vikram Aditya V at Nandikandi in the Sangareddi Taluk of the Medak District, Andhra Pradesh. The epigraph, which is in Kannada language and alphabet is dated Saka 936, Ananda, Uttariyapa-samkrānti, Thursday, corresponding to the 23rd December 1014 A.D. The samkrānti, however, falls on the following day, i.e., Friday. The record is important in that it supplies the latest date known so far for Vikramaditya V. The date is about 8 months later than the Navali inscription and 5 months later than the Godabāļu record referred to above while the gap between the date of the present record and that of the Rūgi inscription would be just two months.
1 The letters are lost * Read ella. 1.e., Farandai.