village (the name of which cannot be made out) situated near Krishna-giri. Chandagada may be the present Chandgarh, the headquarters of the Taluk of the same name formerly belonging to the Belgaum District. About ten miles to its north is situated a village named Nesari which may be Nesarikā of the grant. To the east of Nesari flows the Tarhala river which meets the river Malaprabha at a little distance south-east of Nesari. This Tarhala may be the river Tärä and the confluence referred to in the grant may be that of the Tarhala and the Malaprabha.
The donee was Sivanaga-bhaṭṭa, the son of Parivachchhara-chaturveda and grandson of Bhäridäsa-chaturvēda. The donee's family belonged to the götras of Angiras, Barhaspatya and Bharadvaja and the Taittiriya school of the Vedas and he was a student of the three Vēdas and was the resident of Ikshu-grāma which cannot be identified. The gift was made to the donee at the instance of a chief named Nagahari3 of the Brihach-Chhinda family of the Phanindra (Nāga) race. The Chhinda (Sinda) family ruled from Bagalkot and Yelburga in Bijapur and Hollavour and Belagutti in Mysore.
Sügüdürü, the camping place of the king from which the present grant was issued, cannot be precisely located. It is, however, not unlikely that it lay in the territory of the Chhinda chief, at whose instance the gift was made.
The record was written by Arupaditya who was the son of Vatsaraja and figures as the scribe of no less than five other charters of the king, viz. the Wäni-Dindori plates of Saka 730 (current)," Sisavai grant of Saka 729, Bahulawad plates of Saka 732 (current), Bharata Itihasa Samsōdhaka Mandala plates of Saka 732 and Lōhārā grant of Saka 734. He was thus serving Govinda III at least from Saka 727 to 734.
The dutaka of the present grant was Devaiya-rapaka.
The inscription offers the longest eulogy of king Govinda III. Out of the 16 stanzas (verses 10-25) of this eulogy, 11 (verses 10-20) are known from the Radhanpur1 and Sisavai grants11 as well as from the Manne plates of Saka 724, which record a grant of Govinda's brother Stambha. 12 This portion of the eulogy, excluding verses 15 and 19, is also found in the Wäni-Dindori plates and, excluding verses 16 and 17, in the Lōhārā grant. The remaining five stanzas (verses 21-25) are found only in the present record.
Verses 10-12 refer to Govinda's appointment as yuvaraja and investiture with the kanthikā (necklace), the sign of an heir-apparent. Verse 13 tells us that after the death of his father, he subdued twelve rulers who had combined against him. There is no indication that this revolt was headed by Govinda's brother Stambha as suggested by scholars on the authority of the Kävi plates of Govinda of the Gujarat-Rashtrakuta branch, 15 in which the name of Stambha is mentioned as one of the rebellious rulers. The reference to this revolt of the twelve feudatories also appears in
[See below, p. 133, notes.-Ed.] [See below, p. 132, notes 8-9.-Ed.] [See below, p, 132, note 7.-Ed.] [See below. p, 132, note 4.-Ed.] Ind. Ant., Vol. XI, p. 160, text line 61.
Above, Vol. XXIII, p. 212, text line 62.
Sources of the Medieval History of Deccan (Marathi), Vol. II, p. 22, text line 56.
Ibid., Vol. III, p. 36, text line 66.
Above, Vol. XXIII, p. 222, text line 71.
10 Ibid., Vol. VI, pp. 243-45.
11 Thid, Vol. XXIII, pp. 208 ff.
13 Ep. Carn., Vol. IX, N1. No. 61.
1a Ind. Ant., Vol. XI, p. 158.
14 above, Vol. XXIII, pp. 219-20.
1 Ind. Ant., Vol. V, p. 147, verse 27: Rajy abhishekak-alabair-abhishichyn dattam rajadhirajaparamēbaratām sva-pitra | anyair-maha-nripatibhir bahubhis-samětya Stambh-dibhir-bhuja-balad-awolupyamānām ||