[Vol. XXXIV is mentioned in several other epigraphs of the Gujarat Chalukyas as Någavardhana who is usually believed to have been one of the gurus of Vikramaditya I. The inscription then introduces Dharásraya (actually called Dhäräsraya in our record also in some other epigraphs) Jayasthavarman as the brother of Vikramaditya I and the donor of the charter, viz. Sryasraya Siladitya-yuvarāja, is next mentioned as the son of Dharäsraya Jayasimhavarman (lines 7-9).
The charter was issued from Navasărika (line 10), i.e. modern Nausäri, which seems to have been the head-quarters of the government of Sryasraya Silāditya. The grant recorded in the charter was made in favour of two Brāhmaṇas, the first of whom was Rēvāditya, the son of Bambhasvāmin (Brahmasvämin) of an Aupamanyava-gotra family hailing from Girinagara (modern Girnar near Junagarh in Kathiawar). Rēvāditya is described as a Chhandögabrahmachārin, i.e. a student of the Chhandöga branch of the Sāmavēda. The second donee was Varasyaka of the Asvalāyana götra, who was the son of the sister of Rēvēditya's mother. His father is not mentioned in our record and he is represented, like Rēvāditya, 88 & putraka (i.e., & son) to Bambhasvamin. The specific mention of his götra seems to preclude the possibility of Varasyaka being an actual or adopted son of Bambhasvāmin. Probably Varasyaka was brought up in Bambhasvämin's family.
The village granted was Mudga padra-grāma situated in the district of Vichhära. It is difficult to determine whether hāra in the second name actually stands for āhāra, 'a district. The grant was made for the increase of the merit and fame of the donor and his parents. The object was the provision for the performance of the bali, charu and varfvadova rites as well as the reception and maintenance of guests by the donees.
The above section of the record is followed by the donor's request to future rulers for the maintenance of the grant and the curse to the effect that [the person responsible for the resumption of the gift land) would be committing the five great sins. After this, some of the usual imprecatory and benedictory stanzas are quoted in lines 16-20 as the sayings of Vēdavyāsa Vyāsa. Lines 20-21 quote the date already discussed above. The charter ends with the statement that it was written by the Sandhivigrahika (minister for peace and war) Dhanañjaya who was also the writer of the donor's Nausāri plates referred to above.
Of the geographical names mentioned in the document, we have already indicated the location of Navasárikā and Girinagara. The gift village called Mudgapadra-grāma and the district of Vichihara in which the village was situated cannot be identified.
First Plate
1 Siddhaṁ svasti [l*] Jayaty=āviöksitam bhushpure=vvārāham kahābhit-ārņņabham(vam |
dakshin-ondata-dańshtr-ā2 gra-vikrā(érā)ntu-bhuvanam vapuh [ll*l' svasti [ll] Mānavya-sagöttrāņāṁ Härītisti).
See above, Vol. XXXII, p.179.
*Cf. the case of Raghudēva described as putrikrita by Kapilēsvara even though the forinor was not the latter's actual or adopted son (abovo, Vol. XXXIII, p. 5). Note also the caso of Chaohiga who was the son of Padma but claimed to have been tho dharma-putra of king Gopala (ibid., Vol. XXXII, p. 340).
• From the original plates. • Expressed by symbol.
Read āvish kritam. • Read Vishnor Metre : Anushubh.