No. 15)
There are 36 lines of writing, 21 on the obverse and 15 on the reverse. The characters are similar to those of the Talcher plate No. 1 edited above. The letter h, developed out of its so-called 'Eastern Gupta' form, is found in most cases, its lower end being turned more considerably towards the left than in the other record. The letters are also more carefully shaped. The form of initial a occurring many times in the record is interesting. As regards language and orthography also, the epigraph under study closely resembles the inscription edited above. The text contains many errors. The word pala has been written as pla in lines 32 and 33. The large number of orthographical and grammatical errors in this well-engraved epigraph suggest that they are due to the inefficiency of the scribe and not of the engraver. The introductory part at the beginning of the record is in ornate kävya style. But, as indicated above, the unsuitability of the personal names in the metrical scheme of the stanzas shows that tho text was borrowed from a record of some other ruler. We have also seen how the section is not only found in the Asiatic Society's plate of Gayadatunga and in the charters of Vinftatunga but that some of the stanzas were also adapted in the introduction of Udayavaräha's grant. The regular seal and the more elaborate introduction suggest, as we have already indicated, that the present record and the Asiatio Socioty's plate were issued some time after the issue of the Talcher plate No. 1.
The inscription bears no date. It begins with the siddham symbol followed by the word svasti. A passage in ornate proso (lines 1-7) then introduces & hill called Mahiparvata (apparently meaning a city on the hill) whence the charter was issued. An adjectival expression in the description of the place of issue says that its body was marked by the Tunga king or kings. The real significance of this passage is uncertain. A more dubious passage of this kind, which is apparently defective, seems to say that the place of issue was situated in Yamagarta-mandala, the name applied to the territory ruled by the Tungas. The implication is probably that it was the capital of the Tungas. As we have seen, Jayapura, whence the Taloher plato No. 1 was issued, may have been another name of the same place or of another city in or outside the chiefdoin of the Tungas.
The above section in prose referring to the place whence the grant was issued is followed by four stanzas, the first and second of which describe the reigning chief Gayadatunga. Verse 1, in which the ruler's name does not suit the metre, describes him as a scion of the Tunga family. Verses 3-4 speak of the chief Jagattunga, who belonged to the Sindilya götra and hnilod from a family originally residing at Rohită-giri, aud of his descendant Salonatunga. The passage tasy-anvayolye) Salona unga[boj in verse 4 is metrically defective and must have been adapted from elsewhere. The original composition apparently contained a name in four syllables in place of that of Salonatunga in five syllables. It is not impossible that Salonatunga was really the son of Jagattunga. The second half of this stanza introduces Salonatunga's son whose name is given in the following passage in prose as Gayadatunga, the donor of the charter. The double introduction of the donor is interesting to note.
The declaration in respect of the grant was addressed to the future ruling chiefs and the local people of the area in question lying in the mandala (i.e. Yamagarta-mandala). The village granted was Vämäitalla situated in the Turkörā vishaya (district). The grant was made by the king in favour of the following donees: (1) Bhattaputra Dēvasarman, who received half share of the gift village, belonged to a family hailing from the bhaļļa-grāma (i.e. a village of the Brāhmaṇas) called Muthăutha in Varēndra-mandala (i.e. North Bengal) and was a resident of the bhaltagrāma called Såvira in Odra-vishaya (i.e. Orissa). He was the son of Pauma (i.e. Padma) and the grandson of Dhanabarman and belonged to the Käsyapa götra, the Avatsāra and Naidhruva pravaras, the Yajurvēda charana and Kanva sākha. (2) Bhattaputra Väsudēvs who received land that was the one-fourth share of the gift village, belonged to a family hailing from Savathi and was
1 The three pravaras of the Kabyapa götra are Käkyapa, Avatairs and Naidhruva.