No. 14]
May there be success! Obeisance to Om ! (Verse 1) May the enormous physique of Vishņu grant you prosperity !--the physique which is spotless, which is a retreat of Lakshmi, which is venerated by immortals as well as by mortals, which holds a lotus and a discus, which has the ocean for its abode, (and) which in these respects) resembles the waters of the celestial river (Gargā) that flow in a great volume, are serene, are a reat of sparkling beauty as it were, are worshipped by gods and men, are full of clusters of lotuses, (and) have the ocean as their (ultimate) resting-place.
(Verse 2) May Siva and Vishņu protect you ! --Siva and Vishņu who are husbands (respectively) of Parvati and Lakshmi, who have Nandin (bull) and Garuda (the king of birds) as their ensigns, whose bodies are white and black, who are eternal, who have had their foes destroyed by the trident and the discus, who are the annihilator and the protector of (all) the three worlds, who are ever resplendent with the ashes and the most exquisite saffron paste, who are naked and clad in yellow clothes, (and) who are the crushers of the pride of the demons) Andhaka and Bhauma in battle. - (Verse 3)May the illustrious popular king rejoice !-the king whose strength consists in his neverfailing scimitar, who keeps the good folk well-contented, at whose rise the righteous indeed feels happy, the evil-doer is filled with fear, malcontent is put an end to, (and) the royal treasury expands further, who always extirpates the vice, (and) who in these respects) resembles the Sun who is full of glory, whose effulgence issues from a perfect orb, who animates all that exists, at whose rise the pious is really pleased, the guilty is afraid, the blue lotuses droop down, (and) the red lotuseg open up with a vengeance, (and) who always expels nocturnal darkness.
(Verse 4) There is a glorious city in the world, called Mālava, which the Creator established as the abode of all riches; which is like the very face of the young lady. (in the form) of the earth;
(Verse 5) which is full of beautiful nymphs ever swinging in company with gods ; which is surrounded by temples that are (like the seas) impressive (or deep) and are provided with pure saffron and crocodile-shaped ear-pendants* (or, are abounding in shiny aquatic animals and crocodiles); which is occupied by Kubēra, the god of wealth (or by the rich people); which is honoured by the high-class Brāhmaṇas; which is frequented by those who are ambitious of fame; (and) which, in sooth, is like the abode of the god Brahman himself, that is sought after by those who desire prosperity (or, salvation);
(Verse 6) where pithlessness exists only in the banana stem, noisiness only in the bee, parasiticism only in the cuckoo, crookedness only in the hair-tresses, sharpness only in swords, the tying
1 This respectively is understood also in the case of the attributes that follow. Except the ajau birthlees or "eternal,' which is common to both Siva and Vishnu, the other attributes present a contrast of some kind or other.
This spplies mainly to thieves and the liko who commit offences under cover of darkness at night.
• The term devälaya in the original has to be construed both as 'temple' and as 'sea', in the latter case the oomponent deva connoting Varupa or Vishnu.
Thoso indioate unguonts and ornaments used for the deity in a temple,