It has to be seen that the word khajjana and its variants are often used together with another expression as in Pukkolli-khajjana, Kapoti-khajjana, Pāvara-khajjana, Kalp-akhya-khajjana, Pratibula-khaijaya and Ilolda-Khaijayaka. The possibilities are that Pukkolli, Kapöti, Pāvara, Pratibala and Hödda are names of persons or localities or that the words in question indicate particular types of the land styled khajjana-khajjana=khajjāna-khajjanaka. Of the three suggestions, however, the one that Pukkõlli, Kapõti, Păvara, Pratibala and Hödda are personal names appears to be better than the other two. Kalpa may have, of course, been the name of the field in question.
In line 15 of the Sirsi (North Kanara District) platest of Kadamba Ravivarman (c. 490-538 A.D.), we have the expression Bandu-Pukküli-kshetrē. Pukküli may be a variant of Pukkolli of the Argā plates. Another variant of the same appears in the passage chaturvvinnsati-nivarttana Pukkoli-kshetran in lines 4-5 of the Kuntagani plates of the same Kadamba king. The occurrence of the same expression in several records seems to suggest that it is not the name of a locality since that would indicate that there were too many different localities bearing the same peculiar name. If this is regarded as a particular type of khajjana land, Kapoti, Pāvara, Pratibala and Hodda should also have to be taken to mean similar other types. That would make too many types of the land indicated by the word khajjana and its variants. In the present state of our knowledge, therefore, it is better to suggest that Pukkõlli, Pukküli and Pukkoļi are the variants of a personal name. In such a case, the expressions Aditya freshthi-Pukkolli-khajjāna would indicate a plot of the khajjana type of land in the possession of two persons named Adityabrëshțhin and Pukkõlli, while Bandu-Pukküli-kshëtra would similarly mean a plot of land in the possession of two persons called Baṁdu and Pukküli. Since, in Aditya freshthi-Pukkolli, Adityasrēsthin seems to be a complete personal name and Adityasrēshthi-pukkõlli does not appear to be a single name, Baṁdu and Pukküli in the passage Bardu-Pukküli-kshetra should better be taken to mean two personal names rather than Baṁdu-pukkūli as one such name. It seems that khajjäna of the Argā plates is a wrong spelling of khajjana or khajjana.
11. Panga=Pānga=Pangā The earliest reference to the word panga is found in the Hitnahebbāgilu plates of the Kadamba Dharmamahārāja kri-vijaya-biva-Mrigēbavarman (c. 470-90 A.D.) of Vaijayanti. In this case, a village was granted in favour of a Brāhmaṇa with a number of privileges, one of which is indicated by the expression parihita-pang-otkoța (lines 17-18). In a similar context, the expression sarvuapanga-parihsita is used as an epithet of the gift village in the Goa plates of Chalukya Satyásraya Dhruvarāja Indravarman, dated Saka 532 (610 A.D.). The passage Varsa(Vamba)väfako.... udaka-pürvvakan sarvva-panga-parihsito datto occurs in lines 11-12 of the Kapoli (Belgaum District) plates' of king Asankitavarman of the Bhoja family, who seems to have flourished in the sixth or seventh century A.D. The same word occurs in the form pānga in the following passage in lines 26-27 of a copper-plate grant (Saka 1028=1107 A.D.) of Kadamba Tribhuvanamalla : Satātækritvā dadau sarvvam=etatapang-adi-varjjitam. In & similar passage in line 42 of the Panjim plates (Śska 981-1059 A.D.) of Kadamba Jayakēsin I, it is stated that the donee was to pay panga at a fixed rate every year for the village that was granted to him by the king. 1 Abovo, Vol. XVI, pp. 264 ff.
Ibid., p. 267, note 9. • Ibid., Vol. XXXII, pp. 217 ff.
. Can pukbuli bo derived from old Telugu pombalu, 'areanuts', in the sense of an arecanut plantation Cf. above, Vol. XII, p. 197, note 3.
. Ep. Carn., Vol. IV. p. 136, Hunsur No. 18, and Plates.
• JBBRAS, Vol. X, pp. 348 ff. and Platos; above Vol. VI, p. 13, noto 3. cf. slao sarova-panga-parikritar parindrarh in line 7 of the Bandora plates (below, p. 296). Above, Vol. XXXI, pp. 284 ff.
• Ibid., Vol. XXX, pp. 77 ff. . Cf. QJMS, Vol. XLV, p. 66.