No. 6) JALORE INSCRIPTION OF CHAHAMANA CHACHIGADEVA, V. S. 13314? time of Chichigadēva referred to above. The vihara is called thoro Mahäräja-sri-Chandanavihara. This Jaina gachchha Näpaklya is evidently called after the place Nánaka or Nänä in the Ball District of the Jodhpur Division. An inscription from Nāņā, dated V.8. 1290 (1243 A.D.), gives the ancient name of the place as Nāņaka' from which the name of the gachchha is derived. The Chandana-vihara was apparently named after king Chandana of the Jalore branch of the Paramāras. This branch is known from the only record of Visala who was sixth in descent from Chandana. It is found at Jalore and is dated V.S. 1174. Chandana, the son of Vākpatirāja was the first prince of this branch.
The occasion for the grant was the Ashtāhnikā festival conducted on the 11th day of the bright fortnight of Abvayuja. It is mentioned as Ashțāhnikapadi in the record of V.8. 1320 referred to above. This Jain festival is usually conducted in the months of Ashādha, Kärttika and Phālguna. But the present record shows that it was conducted in the month of Asvina also. The last eight days of these months were observed as days of Ashtahrika-parva when special worship was conducted in the Jain temples. Since the months were Purnimānta, Ābvina su. 11 falls during the last eight days of the month.
The description of the donor and his relatives is given in lines 7-14. The name of the donor which oocurs in line 11 cannot be read satisfactorily as the first letter is too much obliterated. It seems to consist of three letters, the second and third of which are rai. The first lotter appears to be Nā or Nāṁ so that the name may be Nānvaï. The same name seems to occur again at the beginning of line 22 where also, unfortunately, the first letter is damaged and lost. The inscription describes him as the son of Dodo and the brother of Dhanasiha (Dhanasinha) and as belonging to the Käyastha lineage. By his charitable acts he became celebrated in his own family. He, accompanied by his brothers Vishnu, [Phū]dā and Harichanda (Harichandra), his sons [Rai]. vastha (Raivasimha) and Bhuvanasiha (Bhuvanasiniha) and his mother, made the above-mentioned grant. The money was entrusted to the Superintendent of the monastery (Mathapati) and the members of the assembly (goshthikas) in the presence of Dhanēsvara-suri. It is stipulated that the interest on the granted money amounting to 15 dramina coins should be spent on worship, offering and supervision. It may be noted that the interest works out to be 10 per cent of the principal. Apparently this interest was realised annually. The gift was made in order to promote the welfare of the donor. If the mathapati and the goshthikas would not conduct the worship and failed to observe the ceremonies on the ekādasi day, then they would incur the curse of Pārsvanātha and Mahavira and would not obtain any merit as long as the moon and the sun would endure. The record ends with the words fubharn bhavatu followed by chha written three times between double dandas indicating the end of the writing.
. 1 Bhandarkar's List Nos. 563, 569. For the texts of these records see P. C. Nahar, Jaina Inscriptions, Pt. I, p. 240 (Nos. 901-02).
There are several instances in which the Jain gachchhas are called after the names of places in Marwar; e.g. Samderaka-gachohha is called after Sandera or Sandėraka, identified with modern Bändërāv near Bali (cf. above, Vol. XI, p. 81).
• Archaeological Survey, West. Circle, 1907-08, pp. 48-49.
• Bhandarkar's List No. 194. Another inscription at Jalore informs us that Chaulukya Kumarapala construotad templo called Kumāra-vihara (above, Vol. XI, pp. 54-65).
.D. C. Ganguly, History of the Paramara Dynasty, p. 343. • Mirji Annarao, Jaina Dharma (Kannada), p. 572.
.' This Jaina festival is referred to in the Halsi plates of Kadamba Ravivarman (Ind. Ant., Vol. VI, p. 26, toxt lines 16-17; Suc. Sat., p. 271). The record states that the king ordained that the festival of Jinandra's glory, lasting for eight days, should be colobrated every year on the full-moov day of Karttiku. I am indebted to Dr. D. C. Siroar for drawing my attention to this reference.
• The oxpressions mathapati and good thika should havo to bo takon separately. Cf. mathapatind goshthikai. bacha in the rooord of V.8. 1820 of Chłobigadora referred to abovo.
. Cf. above, Vol. XXX, p. 218 and noto.