No. 53]
only to that of the Mauryas, it appears that the latter ousted the Bhoja kings in the west coast about the sixth century A.D. and that they, in their turn, were defeated by the early Chālukyas of Bādāmi.
As stated before, the gift was made for the merit of the king as well as that of three other perBons named Nagapadda, Malladatta and Achala. The relationship of these three persons with the king is not mentioned. It is possible that they were the real donors of the gift," and the land, including the house-sito, garden and tank belonging to the Räshfrakūta, appears to have been purchased by them for the purpose of the gift. The expression khajjana occurs in some other records of this regiou and it has been shown to be the same word as the modern Marathi (and also Konkani) khājan meaning 'a rice-field created out of the nullah on a sea-shore by putting embankments after the ebb-tide. It is interesting to note that this meaning is supported by our inscription which states that the donee would cultivate the land by putting up an embankment to prevent the salt water (lavana-jalan sētună nivārya kshetram=utpădya cha).
Kumāra-dvipa is the only geographical name mentioned in the record and it has been discussed above.
First Plate
1 [Di]ttham (Dfishtam) [*] Vijaya-Kumāradvipān-Mauryya-maharajasya Srimad
Anirjjitavarmmand vacha[nāt]" dēsē Dvadasagrāmgās grāmõ(ma)-paurakāḥ varttamāna-bhavishyad-bhõjak-āyuktaka-sthā
[yy-a]-* 3 dayaś=cha vaktavyāḥ yath=ātra grāma-sīmē=smābhiḥ Nägapadda-Malladatt-Achalānātinām) 4 ātmanas=cha ih-āmatrika-ni[h*]ørēyas-ārttham khajjanam(na)-halam=ērākám -ēkataḥ
@katas-cha 8 rấshtrakūta-taţāka-vātaka-griha-sthāna-bhu(bhū)miḥ chatu[r*]bbig=cha prēshya-kulairyyad-stra simē
. Second Plate 6 Brāhmaṇaḥ aranya-karshanam(pam) kārāpayati tēns sārddha[m](rddham) uktárkta):
niyogāya gribista]7 sāhā(ha)sraya Hārita-sagötrāya Hastyäryyāya sarvva-panga-parihțita-pari(ri)hāram 8 udakēna sampradattam [l*) jñātv=aivam Brāhmaṇaḥ lavana-jala[m] sētuna niväryya kshet
ram 9 atpădya ch=opabhumjamānaḥ na kēnachid=vyamsayitavya) [I*) yo=smat-kul-ābhyantaro
nyo vā rågaSee above, pp. 50 ff.
Ibid., pp. 53-54 and 63. • Prom photographs • The portion in brackets has been chipped off. . Read grámya.
Read thom. Read karayati.