In the Oriya portion of the record, s has been generally used for and contractions are noticed in words like smaë for samayė (line 189) and Gajapta(pti) for Gajapati (line 184). The change of Sanskrit gau to gaú, madhya to madhi, manya to māirnna, etc., has also to be noted.
The date of the charter is quoted in verse 11 (lines 13-17) as the Saka year 1380 (expressed by the chronogram vyöm-ēbha-vahn-indu), Bahudhānya, Vaisakhi (i.e. the full-moon day of the lunar month of Vaisakha). The Oriya part of the inscription seems to supply the name of the week-day Brihaspati, i.e. Thursday. The details suggest 1458 A.D., April 27, Thursday, f.d.t. 77.1
The first section in Sanskrit verse records the grant. The first half of this section is missing, and thus some information particularly about the ancestry of the donor seems to have been lost. Only five syllables, with which the verse marked as the sixth ended, are found at the beginning of the extant part of the inscription. Verses.1-5 of the record and the major part of the sixth stanza were, therefore, incised on the inner side of the lost first plate of the set. The first verse of the extant part (lines 1-4), marked as the seventh, speaks of Vira-bri-Kapilēndra's military prowess. It is stated that the noise of his battle-drums filled the whole universe and that, as a result, Hampa trembled, Dhārā was pressed hard, the horses fled from Kalubarigă and Dhillf was filled with savage women. Verses 8-10 (lines 4-13) describe the glory of Kapilēsvara in vague terms. He was an unrivalled ruler who destroyed his enemies and distributed their wealth among learned men. Verse 11 (lines 13-17) states that, while camping on the bank of the river Godavari on the fullmoon day in the month of Vaisakha of the year Bahudhanya corresponding to Saka 1380, KapilasVara made the grant of the village of Veligalani, situated in Hariguka-Médari-siman and renamed it after his father or parents (sva-pitr-ākhyayā), in favour of 120 Brühmanas. The next stanza (verse 12 in lines 17-20) records the grant of a locality named after Vijaya-Pratāpa'Kapilëndra himself in favour of 120 Brāhmaṇas. The locality is stated to have been situated to the east of the joint streams of the Krishna and Vēņpā. From the language of the above two verses it may appear that two localities were granted in favour of two groups of 120 Brāhmaṇas each, one of the localities being named after the king himself and the other after his father or parents. But, as will be seen from our analysis of the Telugu and Oriya sections below, this was not the case. Verse 13 (lines 21-23), with which the first section in Sanskrit closes, refers to the enumeration of the donees in the following section in Telugu.
The Telugu portion begins in line 23, with the mangala : Subham-astu which is immediately followed by the passage : Veligalani Kapilēśvarapurānaku. This may indicate that two villages called Veligalani and Kapilēsvarapura were granted in favour of the donees whose names are enumerated in the following lines. The list shows the names of 120 Brāhmaṇas only. We have seen above that verses 11 and 12 of the Sanskrit section may appear to speak of the grant of the two localities in favour of two groups of 120 Brāhmaṇas each. The present section, however, makes it clear that there was only one group of Brāhmaṇas numbering 120, who received the gift.
The list of the 120 Brāhmaṇas, receiving equal shares in the gift land, are enumerated in the Telugu section in the following order (lines 23 ff.):
I. Northern part of Jāgēśvarapura, beginning from the west-20 Brāhmaṇas; II. Southern part of the same—20 Brāhmaṇas; III. Northern part of Vollamambapura, beginning from the west-20 Brahmaņas ;
Bee JAS, Letters and Science, Vol. XXIII, pp. 13-14.
• The Oriya section suggests that the village of Veligalani was divided into three asanas named after Jagēlvara, Volama (Vellamimba) and Kapildvara and this information can be reconciled with the Sanskrit section under review if the expression sva-pitr-akhyayd in verso Il is taken to mean '[named) after himself and his parents'.