No. 1)
TWO GRANTS OF RAGHUDEVA 120 doneos receiving shares in the two localities are then enumerated in the following order : (1) northern part of Jägēsvarapura (Jāgē svarapurapu vīdhiki uttara-frēni paschim-adi)-20 Brähmanas; (2) southern part of the same (dakshina-árēni paschim-adi)-20 Brāhmanas ; (3) northern part of Vellamämbäpura (Vellamämbäpurapu vidhiki uttara-brëni paschim-adi)-20 Brähmanas; (4) southern part of the same (dakshina-śrēni paschim-ādi)-20 Brāhmaṇas; (6) northern part of Kapilēsvarapura (Kapilēsvarapurapu vidhiki uttara-śrēni paschim-ādi), called Vijayapratāpakapilēndra-mahāśāsana in the Sanskrit part-20 Brāhmaṇas; (6) southern part of the same (dakshinafrēni paschim-ādi)-20 Brahmanas. It appears clear from this enumeration that the village of Veligalani was divided into three parts, one of which was named Jägēsvarapura and another Vellamāmbūpura. This further suggests that the word pitsi in the passage sva-pitr-ākhyayā means not merely 'father' but both 'father and mother and that the name of Kapilēsvara's father was Jāgāśvara and that of his mother. Vellamâmbă. The third part of the gift village was named after the donor and the village was sometimes referred to as Veligalani-Kapiles varapura.
The female name Vellamamba looks like Telugu in origin and it may be suggested that Kapilēgvara had Andhra blood in his veins. This is of course not improbable in view of the fact that his success in conquering wide areas of the Telugu- and Tamil-speaking lands, then under the hegemony of the Vijayanagara king, was due to a very considerable extent, to the help he received from Andhra generals. But the question cannot be satisfactorily solved without further light on the subject, since the Oriya supplement of the Yeligalani grant mentions Vellamāmbăpura as Vēlamapura or Bēlamapura and Velumā or Bēlamā may be supposed to have been mado Vellamāmba in Telugu. It has, however, to be admitted in this case also that Vēlamā or Bēlamā does not look like a typical Oriya name either. On the other hand, it reminds us of the Velama caste, one of the front-rank agriculturist communities of the Andhra country, to one of the sub-divisions of which belong the Rajas of Bobbili, Venkatagiri, Pithapuram and Nuzvid.
The genealogy of the early Suryavami Gajapatis of Orissa, as found in the Raghudēvapura grant with its information supplemented by the Dorapalem and Veligalani grants, now stands as follows:
Kapilēsvara I (called a Nayaka and represented as one of the rulers of the races of the Sun and the Moon)
Jägevers (ponsessor of numerous elephants : diod together with his oldest son while fighting with
somo onomiop; married Vēlama or Vellamimba).
Balarama Kapilē vars II
Parasurams (died together with (born of Vēlams or Vella
(married Mallika) his father whilo mathbå; first indepenfighting with some dent monarch in the Raghudēva (born of onemios)
family; founder of the Mallika; Kapilē vara's Stiryavemet Gajapati viceroy at Rajahfamily of Orissa; mundry at least from ascended the throne in 1455 to 1461 A.D.; 1434-36 A.D.)
called Chödesvara in the concluding section of the Raghu
dēvapura grant) 1 Tho Oriya part of the document also suggests that the village of Veligalani was divided into three parts, one named after the king's father, another after his mother and the third after himself.
Many of the celebrated Gajapati generals were Andhras. Some of those who served under Kapilēsvara were Gajarivu Tippa and Damera Timma or Tamma and Tamma's son Basava-bhūpals (cf. Sastri and Venkataramanayya, op. cit., pp. 86-87; A. R. Bp., 1892, No. 208 ; etc.).
This part of the inscription is carelessly engraved on both sides of the last plate, lines 1-10 on the obverse and line 11 on the reverse. For the text, see I HQ, Vol. XXXIII, pp. 279-80 ; JAS, Lettors and Science, Vol XXIII, No. 1, pp. 13 ff.
See Thurston and Rangachari, Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Vol. VII, PP. 336 ff.