[VOL. XXXIII month of Marga, V. S. 1103 (possibly November 17, 1046 A.D.); and (3) the Kalvan plates1 issued by another of the Palamāra king's feudatories, named Yasōvarman, on the occasion of a solar eclipse on Chaitra-vadi 15 (March 17, 1048 A.D.). It will be seen that the earliest date for Bhōja supplied by these records is Magha-sudi 5, V.S. 1076-January 3, 1020 A.D., although we know that he ascended the throne earlier since Chalukya Jayasimha II claims to have defeated him by Saka 941 (1019-20 A.D.). The present epigraph issued on Sunday, Jyeshtha-sudi 1, V. S. 1067= May 6, 1011 A.D., is nearly nine years earlier than the earliest of Bhoja's inscriptions so far published.
The inclusion of the Sabarkantha-Ahmadabad region in the dominions of Paramara Bhoja (c. 1000-55. A.D.) is an interesting information supplied by the record under study. So far the said area was known to have formed a part of the kingdom of Bhōja's grandfather Siyaka (c.948-74 A.D.). Our inscription suggests that, in spite of the foundation of the Chaulukya power at Anahilapāṭaka by Mularāja (c. 961-96 A.D.), the region continued to be under the rule of Siyaka's successors. It is interesting to note in this connection that the inscriptions of Mūlarāja and his immediate successors do not mention any place to the east of the upper course of the Sabarmati river, which was probably the eastern boundary of the Chaulukya kingdom during the period in question."
-The geographical names mentioned in the inscription are: (1) the district of Mōhaḍavāsaka; (2) the sub-division of Ardhashṭama-mandala (literally, the sub-division of 7 [villages]') in the above district; (3) Sayanapaṭa-grama in the above mandala; and (4) Harshapura. Whether Vallōtaka was the name of a locality near Sayanapata cannot be determined. Of these, the location of Mōhaḍavāsaka and Sayanapaṭa-grama has been indicated above. The identification of Harshapura, whence the donee's family hailed, is uncertain. It may be modern Harsōlā in the Prantij Taluk formerly of the Ahmadabad District but now of the Sabarkantha District, though the name also reminds us of the place of the same name mentioned in the Harsauda (old Harshapura in the Hoshangabad District of Madhya Pradesh) inscripton of Paramāra Dēvapāla, dated V. S. 1275 (1218 A.D.).
TEXTS Obverse
1 Siddham | Samvatsara-sateshu dasasu(su) saptashaptya(shty-a)dhikēpna(shu) Jyeshtha-bukla-patka(kaha)-pratipa
2 dāyām Samvat 1067 Jyeshta (shtha)-[u]di 1 Ravāv=ady-ēha samasta-vri(bri)hadraj-vall
3 pva(pu)rvvam(rvva)-paramabhattaraka-mahārājādhirāja-paramësva(áva)ra-ári-Siyakadēva
4 ramabbaṭṭaraka-mahārājādhirāja-paramisva(iva)ra-irt-Vakpatira(rā)jadava-pad-nudhya
1 Above, Vol. XIX, pp. 69 ff. R.D. Banerji's views (ibid., p. 70) that the issue of the grant by a feudatory indicates the decline of Paramara power and that the charter was issued during the troubled days after Bhoja's death are unsound.
2 Cf. above, Vol. I, p. 230.
Cf. A. K. Majumdar, Chaulukyas of Gujarat, p. 32.
Ind. Ant., Vol. XX, pp. 310 ff.
From a set of photographs.
• Expressed by symbol. The following mark of punctuation is indicated by a curved stroke. Read pad-änudhyata.