My reading of the inscription is based on the photograph which I owe to the courtesy of the Superintendent. Nagarjunakonda Excavations Project,
TEXT 1 Sidham Um[1] namo bhagavato sava-sat-otamasa Sammāsambudhas-eti [l*] 2 mahā[t]ājase Mädhariputasa Thakunam siri-Virapurisadatasa 3 sarhvacnharam 10 9 gimha-pakham 4 divasam 10 3 Dhamakada-vathavasa 4 Bamghila-gahapatisa natukena Vaira-vāniya-putena Ba[m]ghilena
matāva Dharmavānikinīja bhātuno cha Nägilamnakasa bhagini6 Budhamnikāya Samudamnikāya bhariyāya Sāgaramnikāya bhātu-bha7 riyāya Saraghanikāya bālaksā]nam chu Vairasirinakasa Chamda . . . .í. 8 kasa "Nägilamnakasa bālakānam cha Dhamaṁnikāya patu......... 9 kāya Nāgasammamnikāya cha evam sa-nāti-mita-bandha ...... 10 .. ............ .(yaj* patane maha .............5
1 Expressed by a symbol. * The form of the akshara meant to be mha is not regular. * Two medial i signs are seen here over the damaged letters. Only the right side of the letter is visible."
[For the symbol in line 1, wbaai & Theinnt of one found in Ausnana inscriptions, seo Select Inscriptions, p. 150, note 3. In line 8, the word is bālikānant which is preceded by the list of Sanghila's sons (cf. bālakānci in line 7) and followed by that of his daughters. It is better to mad bhagini[nam*] in line 5.-Ed.)