(VOL. XXXIII The inscription is interesting from several points of view. It is the only inscription of Anantavarman Chōdaganga so far discovered at Puri where the Ganga king is known to have built the great temple of Purushottama-Jagannātha after its annexation to the Ganga empire and the transference of his allegiance from Saivism to Vaishnavism in the early years of the twelfth century. It is not possihle to determine when exactly and by whom the Märkandēsvara temple was built. But it is not unlikely that this temple had been in existence when Chodaganga built the temple for Purushottama-Jagannatha. We do not know whether the PurushottamaJagannatha temple was bailt by Chödaganga before or after the 37th year of his reign, though the absence of any reference to the achievement in any of his own records may probably suggest that the construction was undertaken in the later years of his life. We also do not know as to who was responsible for granting the village of Niralo in favour of the god PurushottamaJagannatha, although it is clear that this deity was already enjoying considerable influence when the inscription under study was engraved. The suggestion is supported by the reference to sāgara-tira-sannivētë Purushottama-sabditam dēv-āyatanam in Krishạmisra's Prabodhachandrodaya which was staged in the presence of the Chandēlla king Kirtivarman (c. 1070-1100 A.D.).
The name of the yod Kõhriņēsvara, worshipped at Puri as suggested by the record under review, is interesting. I am not sure whether it is really Ko-Rinēśvara suggesting its installation at Puri by the Tamil residents of the area like Kāmāņdi of the Alagum inscription. I have heard of no such deity now worshipped there. The name appears to have been applied to a Siva-linga.
Only one geographical name is mentioned in the inscription. It is the village of Niralo. I am not sure about its location.
1 Siddham (II) samvata' 37 eri-Chodagangadāvasya pra[va*]rddhamina-vijaya-rajye
Sri-Märkandēsva(sva)2 radēvasya yavato-chandr-ärka[i] pravattamānām-'khandadvipa' srl-Purusötmadēva-angal 3 bhöga-Niralo-grāma-vāstavya-sādhū(dhu)-Bhi(Bhi)madēva ēva[m] Ruda vam Har[T]"
ēka-chhāya-dvipa-bung 11 1 It is difficult to say whether the suggestion is further supported by the fact that the Anargharagham of Murärimisra (ninth or tenth century according to some, but c. 1050-1135 A.D. Becording to others) was staged on the occasion of the yātra of the god Purushottama of Purt since the epithet lavan-oda-vela-van-ali-lamalaLars-kandala, applied to the deity, does not refer to his worship on the sea-shore and since Vishnu's namo Purushottama was not unknown elsewhere (cf. No. 504 of 1956-57, Appendix B). For the date of Murari, 10 De, Hist. Sans. Lit., p. 449; Kieth, Sanskrit Drama p. 225; ABORI, Vol XXXVIII, p. 88; eto. It has to be noticed that Murari's drama gives a rapid description of well-known places like Ujjayint, Veripal, Kallisa, Prayaga, Tamrapart on the sea, Champs in Gauda, Panchavati, Kundina in Maharashtra, Kiñohl in Drivids sad Mähishmati in Chēdi-mandala, but not of Purushottamapurf or Purt. The other references pertaining to dates earlier than the eleventh oentury, oited in 01. Hist. Res. Journ., Vol. III, pp. 6 ff., are even more dubious.
* Above, Vol. XXIX, pp. 44 ff. * From impressions. • Expressed by symbol. . Read santal. • Read yāvacho * Read pravartlamon-akhanda-dip-drthash. • Road Purushottamallen-anga. . Probably Rudra is intended. 1. Read Harid its ataib. 11 Read dipa-suvarnan or dip-arthani muvarnas.