occasion of a lunar eclipse, for the merit of the king himself and of his parents, by means of a copper-plate charter. The following sentence in lines 10-12 advises the house-holders of Kadambapadiullaka to be obedient to the donee and to pay him the usual bhoga (periodical offerings) and bhaga (the king's share in the produces of the fields).
Lines 12 ff. contain the donor's request to the future rulers of the land for the protection of his grant. This is followed in lines 16 ff. by some of the usual benedictory and imprecatory verses represented as the sayings of Vyasa. The concluding part of the document in lines 22-23 states that the executor of the grant was the king himself (cf. svamukh-ajñaya) and that the charter was engraved by Achalasimha who was also the engraver of Jayaraja's Arang plates. The last passage contains the date of the grant, which, as already indicated above, was the fifth day of Kärttika in the king's fifth regnal year.
The Arang plates of Jayaraja were issued on the 25th day of the month of Margasira in the 5th year of his reign. It will thus be seen that the present grant was issued a few weeks earlier than the Atang plates. The seal of Jayaraja attached to the Arang plates, like the seals of other copperplate grants of the family to whom he belonged, bears the representation of Gajalakshmi above the legend which is a stanza in Anushṭubh arranged in two lines. The legend on the seal of the Arang plates was read by Fleet as follows:
Prasanna-h[ridalyasy-aiva vikkram-akkrā[m]tta-vidvishaḥ [*]
srimato Jayarajasya susana[m] ripu-säsanaṁ [||*]
On the seal of the Raipur plates of Sudēvaιāja (Maha-Sudēvarāja), son of Jayaraja's brothe. Manamatra Durgarāja, the first and third feet of the stanza were read by the same scholar as Prasannahridayasy-aiva and śrimat-Sudevarajasya, though Pandit L. P. Pandeya read them respectively as Prasanna-tanasy-ēdam and Sri-Maha-Jayarajasya suggesting that Jayaraja's seal was attached to the charter of Sudevaraja. The reading of the first foot. of the stanza on both these seals is apparently Prasanna-tanayasy-edam, but that of the third foot appears to be śrimato Jayarajasya in both the cases. Jayaraja's seal attached to the recently published Sirpur plates of Sudevaraja, which seems to offer the same reading as the seals of the Arañg plates of Jayaraja and the Raipur plates of Sudēvarāja, reads:
Prasanna-tanayas-dash vikkram-tkhāta-videisha[} [*]
śrimato Jayarajasya sasanam ripu-sāsanam(nam ||
Jayaraja was the son of Prasanna or Prasannamatra who ruled sometime after Sarabha, founder of the city of Sarabhapura, and the latter's son Narendra, known from his Pipardula and Kurud plates. Since Sarabha's daughter's son Gōparaja is known from the Eran inscription" to have died in 510 A.D., Sarabha and Narendra appear to have flourished respectively about the end of the fifth and the beginning of the sixth century. Prasannamätra and his son Jayaraja, who issued the charter under study, may therefore be tentatively assigned approximately to about the first and second quarters of the sixth century respectively.
Of the geographical names mentioned in the inscription, the location of Sarabhapura, the earlier capital of the family to which Jayaraja belonged, has already been indicated above. The other two geographical names are: (1) the gift village of Kadambapadrullaka, and (2) the district of Antaranälaka in which the village was situated. I am not sure about their exact location.
1 Corp. Ins. Ind., Vol. III, p. 197.
1 Mahakōsala Historical Society's Papers, Vol. II, p. 41.
* See above, Vol. XXXI, p. 103, note 4.
Cf. IHQ, Vol. XIX, pp. 139 ff.; above, Vol. XXXI, pp. 263 ff.Bhandarkar's List, No. 1290.