C. Plates
No. 1. Two Grants of Raghudeva-Plate I. . . between pages 12 and 13
-Plate II . . , 16 and 17 -Plate III . .
20 and 21 4. Tippasamudram Inscription of Kampa-Vikramavarman, Year 17 . . . . . »
26 and 27 6. Dongalasani Inscription of Vankeya-chola, Year 41 » 30 and 31 „ 6. Two Inscriptions of the time of Gopala
1. Baraudi Inscription of V.S. 1336 . to face page „ 7. „2, Narwar Inscription of V.S. 1339 . . , „ 8. Kapilas Inscriptions of Narasimhadeva-Plate I between pages 42 and 43
-Plate II .
44 and 45 10. Barhut Inscriptions in Allahabad Museum . . to face page 11. Two Grants of Bhoja Prithivimallavarman-Plate I
-Plate II. between pages 64 and 65 13. Fragmentary Yajvapala Inscription from Narwar to face page 14. Bhairavakonda Inscription of Vikramaditya .
Three Inscriptions in Baripada Museum , . 16. Davangere Plates of Ravivarman 17. Copper Coin of Harigupta . 18. Brick Inscription of Damamitra . . . »
100 19. Inscriptions from Gaya-Plate I . . . between pages 108 and 109
, - Plate II . . . , 112 and 113 21. Veraval Inscription of Cbaulukya Bhima II . to face page 120 22. Unchahra Fragmentary Inscription of V.S. 1294 . »
124 23. Warangal Inscription of Raghudeva, Kali Year 4561 between pages 128 and 129 „ 24. Chikkerur Inscription of Ahavamalla, Saka 917 . to face page 133