Mathura Kayastha family hailing from Gwalior and as the son of Köśādhipa Lobata and the grandson of Dämödara. The hero of the eulogy under study belonged likewise to a Mathura Kāyastha family hailing from Gwalior, and he was the son of a Kösādhyaksha (name lost) of king Chahada and the grandson of Damodara. It appears possible that the name of Chahada's Kośädhyaksha which is lost in our record was really Lõhata which suits the metre of the stanza in question. Thus it seems that the present eulogy was composed by Sivanābhaka in order to record a pious deed of one of his brothers or of his own self. We have seen how verses 20-22 describe the eldest of Dharmā's sons as a poet who was an expert in describing genealogies and as one engaged in the service of the Yajvapāla king Göpăla, although the name of the person is lost. It is, however, interesting to note that the description suits very well the poet Jayasinha, son of Lõhata and the author of a prasasti' composed in V.S. 1350 (1293 A.D.) during the reign of Gõpāla's son Ganapati.
Pithana, maternal grandfather of the hero of our presenti, cannot be identified. The name, however, reminds us of Pithana of the Gaudahara Kshatriya community, who was the father of Dēvadhara, the chief minister of Āsalla according to a prasasti of Gopāla's time, composed by Sivanābhaka in V.S. 1336 (1279 A.D.). The identification of the two Pithanas is possible if it can be believed that the Mathura Kāyasthas and the Gaudahara Kshatriyas intermarried beween themselves.
Among geographical names mentioned in the inscription, Kasi and Gavà are famous holy places. As already indicated above, verse 3 seems to refer to the bill-fort of Narwar as the capital of the territory called Pädonalaksha-vishaya which may have been the name applied to the deminions of the Yajvapālas.
[Metres : verse 1 Upajāti; verses 2, 4, 6-7, 9-12, 15-20 Anushrubh ; verses 3, 5 l'asantatilaka :
verses 8, 13-14, 21 Aryā ; verse 22 Giti.]
1 Siddham ! Siddhiḥ || Ga[napati-pra]sāddhāt(dāt) Ni[l-am]vu(bu)da-syā(byā)[ma-ru]chih
kapõlē puna(tu) Laksh[my]āḥ prativim(bit)vi(bi)tö vah sphuran-mayükhe [vi]male Mura.. 2 [rir=u)-----UU--[nda]m=indāḥ || [1].... tamaső [vā(bā)dham) sphuranti [sthiti-šā]lini
kumdalē vastanur=vv=āpi Sivāyā [dis(sa)tām) Si[va]r(vam) || 2 3 [Paj u [vishay-aika)-vibhushanam y[o] yo N[ai]shadha-ksh[i]tipa-kirtti-vikāśa-hētul
yaḥ śrēyasāṁ cha vibhavasya cha pātram=ēkam=ās[t]ë sa [6]imga-kha4 chistaju ud[r]ih 3 Tasminn=abhūta pūrvvõ=bhuchChā. ....i-patiḥo | bhuja-sau
(sau)țirya-nirddhüta-prati[pa)-bhața-pauru[sba]b || 4 Tasmad-abhüd-amalla)
1 Above, Vol. XXXII, p. 337, text lines 20-21, verse 22. . Above, p. 32. * From impressions. This is No. 146 of A.R.Ep., 1952-53, App. B. • Expressed by symbol.
* There is an unnecessary danda here together with a cancellation mark intended to cover a little blank space At the end of the line.
• The word lost here seems to be Sambhavi qualifying the word tanuh.
The name may possibly be restored as Padonalaksha. "There is an unnecessary mark ahove this letter. . The passage may be conjecturally restored as "chitaretu Nal-abhidh-adrih. 10 The damaged passage may be restored as 'Chahadah prithics-palib.