in lines 4, 5 and 10 while initial r is found in line 6. Finalm is written in two ways; cf. the diminutive form of the letter in Dittham (line 1), pallikāyām (line 2) and eram (line 6) and the form endowed with only a small hook in Bhojānām (line 1). Final / is indicated by a diminutive form of the letter without the top mātrā ; cf. khēļūt and rachanat (line 1) and hirsyät (line 8). The early forun of kh may be noted in Khētāt (line 1) and mukh-ū (line 10).
The language of the record in Sanskrit and the entire text is written in prose. In respect of orthography it may be observed that the consonant following r is invariably reduplicated.
The inscription opens with the word ditthun which, however, is written about the beginning of the second line. This expression stands for Sanskrit drishtam. The charter was issued from Vpishabhiņi-khëta by king Prithivimallavarman of the Bhöja dynasty. The king is not introduced with any titles, imperial or subordinative. But since the charter is addressed to subordinate officials like the Bhojakas, Ayuktakas and Sthūyins (lines 2-3), we may assume that Prithivimallavarman was an in lependent king.
The object of the inscription is to record the king's grant of a field, probably surrounded by blue hills, in the village of Bhagala-pallikă included in the Kupalapakațāhāra-dēsa. It is stated (lines 3-4) that the grant was made for the merit of the king's mother Chētasādēvi' at the request of his brother Satrudamana. These two personages, viz. Chētasādēvi and Satrudamana, are not known from any other source. The donee was Mādhvārya (i.e. Mādhavārya) of the Agnivēśya gotra.
The record is dated (line 9) in the first year of the king's reign and the 13th day of the bright half of the month of Jyōshtha. The executor of the grant was the king himself. A statement in line 10 shows that the gift was actually made by Chētasādēvi who was the daughter of Nēllika. From this it appears that the gift land was purchased by the king's brother Satrudamana on behalf of his mother Chētasādēvi and that the formal donation was made by the king himself. The charter was written by Dévalarm-acharya of Bhāradvāja-gotra.
There are three places mentioned in the record, viz. Vrishabhiņi-khēța whence the grant was issued, and Kupalapakatähära-desa in which the village of Bbāgalapallikä was situated. I am unable to identify them. Kupalapakațāhāra-dēša is, however, mentioned as Kupalākata-déba in inscription B below.
First Plate
í Dittham [*] Vijaya-Vrishabhiņi-khőtat Bhojānām Přithivimallavarmmaño
vachanāt dēśē Kupala2 [pa]kat-āhārē grāmē Bhāgalapal[1]ikāyām varttamāna-bhavishyad-bhõjak-ā3 yukstjaka-sthayy-alayo [vaktavyäh] [l*) yath=āsmābhir-asinad-bhrātuḥ Satrudamanasya 4 [vijñāpyona? asmad-ambāyah] Chētas[ūļdēvyāḥ puny-õpachay-ārttham-asmai Brikma
1 In the Siroda plates (abovo, Vol. XXIV, p. 145, text line 2), the passage containing the names of these officers has been read as bhogik-ayuktaka-othamy-aday8. But the correct reading there appears to be bhojakayuktaka. athayy-adayo as in the present record.
• The expression used is nila-dama-raprakah. It may also stand for the name of the field granted.
. It has been inadvertently stated that Chetasädēvi was the queen of Prithivimallavarman (above, Vol. XXVI, p. 339).
• See above, pp. 50 ff. . From photographr. This is No. 8 of App. A of 1949-50. • This word is ongraved about the beginning of the second line. Rend drianfam. Read vijiapanēna.