23 27 [savata Deva]'nampiyasa dhamm-ānusathi anuvatamti [l*] (XIX) [ta' pi] dūta Devel
na[m]piyasa no yamti 28 te pi sutu Dev[a]nampiyasa dhamma-vutam vidhanaṁ dhamm-ānusathi 29 dhammam anuvidhiyi[samti] anuvidhiyisa[m]ti* [ch-e]va [I*] (XX) [se ladhe] eta [kena lioti]
[Boulder C ; tect lines 30-36] 30 sa[valta vijaye savathie pana vijay[e] piti-lase se [l*(XXI) ladhā să pïti h[o]ti dhariima-v[i]ja31 yasi [l*] (XXII) lahuk[a] chu kho sā pīti (*)(XXIII) palatikarnm=eva mahā-phala[m] mannati
Devānam32 piye [l*] (XXIV) etāye cha [a]thāye iyam dhamma-lipi likhită kiti puta-papotā (me] 33 am nam? nasvam] vijayam mio vijetaviyam maṁnisu sayakasi yeva vijaya[si] 34 [khan]ti cha lahu-[damda]tam cha lo chaya[n]tu tam-eva [cha] vijayari mamnamtu a
dham35 ma-[vi][ja*lye [[*] (XXV) se hilo hidalokika-pā[la*l[lo]kike [[*] (XXVI) [yā] va cha k[ā] n[i]
lati hotu 36 [a dham]ma-lati [l*] (XXVII) s[ā]hi hidalokika-pălalokikā [l*]
TRANSLATION (I) (The country of) the Kalingas was conquered for king Priyadarsin, Beloved of the Gods, eight years after his coronation.
(II) (In this war in Kalinga), men and animals numbering one hundred and fifty thousands were carried away (captive) from that country), (as many as) one hundred thousands were killed there (in action), and many times that number perished.
(III) After that, now that the country of the Kalingas has been conquered, the Beloved of the Gods is devoted to a zealous discussion of Dharma, to a longing for Dharma and to the inculcation of Dharma (among the people).
(11) Now, this is (due to the repentance of the Beloved of the Gods on having conquered (the country of) thg Kalingas.
(V) Verily, the slaughter, death and deportation of men, which take place there in the course of the conquest of an unconquered country, are now considered extremely painful and deplorable by the Beloved of the Gods.
(VI) But what is considered even more deplorable by the Beloved of the Gods is (the fact that) injury to or slaughter or deportation of the beloved ones falls to the lot of the Brāhmaṇas, the Sramaņas, the adherents of other sects and the householders, who live in that country (anal). among whom are established such (virtues) as obedience to superior personages, obedience to mother and father, obedience to elders and proper courtesy and firm devotion to friends, acqunintances, companions and relatives as well as to slaves and servants.
1 Chakravarti : "These five letters are faintly visible on the rock."
Chakravarti : The letter ta is chipped off." . Read vidhiyanti. Chakravarti : "The sign for in is not clear on the rock." He omits okru. The last three letters are engraved on the other side of the crack. . Read savatha.
* Chakravarti: asu. Ho oraita me. • Chakravarti: ma vijio. Chakravarti: "The letter si is not clear on the rock,"
10 Chakravarti omits this, 11 Chakravarti: 1a.