No. 1)
ERRAGUDI EDICTS OF ASOKA 5 [bhi]gu sūpāthāy[e] [I*] (VII) (se) idāni ad[ă iyaṁ dharma-lipi likhita tada ti[m]ni [yeva
pā]nāni alabhiyanti (duve majūlā] 6 eke [ma*]g[e] [I") (VIII) se pi (ma*]ge no dhuvaṁ [l*) (IX) [e]tāni pi chu ti[m]ni pānāni pachha n[o] alabhisamti [l*i
TRANSLATION (I) This record relating to Dharma has been caused to be written by king Priyadarsin, Beloved of the Gods.
(II) Here no living being should be slaughtered for sacrifice. (III) And also no festive gathering should be held. (IV) For the Beloved of the Gods sees manifold evil in festive gatherings.
(V) There is, (however,) one kind of festive gatherings, which is considered good by king Priyadarsin, Beloved of the Gods.
(VI) Many hundred thousands of living beings were formerly slaughtered every day in the kitchen of king Priyadarkin, Beloved of the Gods, for the sake of curry.
(VII) But now, when this record relating to Dharma is written, only three living creatures are killed (daily) for the sake of curry, (viz.), two birds and one animal.
(VIII) Even this animal is not (slaughtered) regularly. (IX) Thade three living beings too shall not be killed in future.
Rock Edict II
(belor Rock Edict I) 1 (I) savatā. vijitasi Devānampiyasa Piyadasin(e) lājine e cha antă athā (Chloda Pampiyā
Satika-(pute. Tambapamni Amtiyo)2 ge [nāma Yona-1&jā] e cha anne tasa (sāmamta] Amtiyogasa lājāno savatā Devānampiya[a]
Piyadasine släjine du ve*] [chikisa 3 kață munisa-chikis[] cha pasu-chikis[@] cha [l*) (II) O[sa]dhāni (cha munis-o]pakā [cha]
pasu-opaka cha ata ată nathi savata [hāläpitä сha lopapi) - 4 ta cha [*] (III) [home]va (mūlāni cha] phalāni (cha savata) ata ata nathi (hä]lāpitia]
oba lopäpitä сha [l*] (IV) ma[ge]su lukhāni lopăpitāni udupānān[i] cha 5 khä[nā]pitani paţibhogāye pasu-munisānam [l*]
TRANSLATION (I) Everywhere in the dominions of king Priyadarsin, Beloved of the Gods, and likewise (in) the bordering territories such as those of the Chodas (and) Pāədyas (as well as of the Satika-putra (and in) Tāmraparņi (and in the territories of) the Yavana king named Antiyoka and also (of) the kings who are the neighbours of the said Antiyoka-everywhere king Priyadarsin, Beloved of the Gods, has arranged for two kinds of medical treatment, (viz.), medical
1 This edict is separated from Rock Edict II by a short line at the left ond. - This is generally taken in the sense of two peacocks and one door'. But see Select Inscriptions, p. 17, noto 4.
Chakravarti: "The letter looks like ta on the rock."
• Otber versions have dariya or Satiyao. The original form of the name may have been Satika or Santika. The reforonoo to Keralaputra has been omitted in this toxt.
• Tho letters are not cloar on the impressions. Chakravarti: "The letters chalopapi are traceable on the stone."