No. 1]
7(a) maminena sakiye vipule svage ārā.
(b) dhetave [*] (IX) e
(e) taya cha athaya iyan
8 [salvane sävite [*] (X) athi khudaka-mahalaka imati pfi] [pajkamevu ai
95 ta cha me janevu chira-thitika cha
10 iya pakame hota vipulan pi cha vadhasita aparadhiya divadhiva i [*]
11 (XI) ilyam cha savane sa
12 [apite vyuthena10 200 50 6 [*]11
Minor Rock Edict II
(1) he[vam] Devanam Devanaṁpiye iha [*] (II) yatha De
va[nam]piye aha tatha kaṭaviye [*]
14 (III) rajuke napetaviye [*]
15 (IV) se dani janapada[m]18 ann
16(a) payisati rathikani cha [*] (V) mātā-pitūsu
(b)20 susu
17 sitaviye [*] (VI) hem-eva garūsu sususitavive [*] (VII) гpa(pra)nesu2 dayitavive [*] (VIII) sache vataviye [*] (IX) [i]
1 The following four aksharas are engraved above this line in line 6(a) after (i.e. to the left of) khu. The following aksharas are in continuation of line 7(a).
3 Barua ra.
Barua mahadhana.
5 This is a half line to be read from right to left.
The Mysore versions add here iyan cha athe with which a new sentence begins.
Sahni hotariyu cha ipi madhisi vi; Chakravarti: hotari [*] pu[ua] pi cha radhusita; Barna: hotu [*] vipule pi cha vadhusita. The rest of this line is incised below the previous line (line 9).
The Mysore versions add the word vadhisiti here. Some letters in this line and in lines 11, 12 and 14 are not clear on the Plats due to defective pasting of two pieces of the impression.
This half line has to be read from right to left.
10 Barua rynṭhena.
11 The rest of line 12 from here is incised below line 10.
12 This word is redundant.
13 The half line consisting of the following twelve akshara
has to be read from right to left. Chakravarti: "The line is very unevon due to a few aksharas being engraved on the chipped portion of the rock."
14 In Chakravarti's opinion, what looks like medial a in ha is a crack in the stone.
1 This is a half line consisting of nine aksharas to be read from left to right.
14 Barua rajuūke.
17 The following nine aksharas, incised below line 14, have to be read from right to left.
18 Sahni janapada: Barua: bherina janapada.
19 Sahni pitusu: Chakravarti: pitamsu.
20 The following two aksharas are ongraved at the beginning of line 18. Barna ignores this fact and reads the word susuma at the beginning of that line.
Sahni and Chakravarti garuan.
2 Sahni and Chakravarti: janeau.