37 d-rjyöljyë)-pi tat-präptavähḥ(vän) | [15] Yasy-āhvänis-sa(t-sa)miyah sura-bhavanagată divya-aatvättväḥ) praga
38 lbhab tai(bhas-taib) särddhath nitya-kälach sukrita-gupa-kath-Alpa-hridya(dyän) prakarvvaḥ(rvvan ) Sambhōs-tasy-anu-'
39 kāri padam-amaram-ajam sasvatam santa-rupaṁ lavdh-ö(bdh-ö)tsähas-sa viraḥ kshiti[ta]la
40 vasat(i)-anirjjit-&rāti-pakshaḥ || [16] Shity-utpatti-vināša-kärapa-parah yan-jyo(j-jy)tiravyälstahl'
41 vyakt-avyaktam-ananta-sakti-niyatam dev-ätidëvō mahah (han |) tasy-anugraha-käri-vi42 krama-dhana(nu)é-chiahjäḥ kardty-adbhutáḥ sa izimän-atula[ḥ*] ladáňka-dhavalaḥ kshöqi-ya43 [b]-khyupitab | [17] X karpád-atulah vikrishya tarasă obāpa-dvaya[th*] lilayāḥ{y}* 44 ashtabhi kavachai vi(vi)viehtya phalakān-üzüd-ü(d-u)bhābhyäm-api | päilyk chaturaḥ śilimu
45 kha-makhair-bhinta(tiva) su-tikahqai bhri(r-bhriah(a)-jt ddi(di)vya-gati[h] Prithasuta-samam (maḥ) Kōngōda-ratna[m*] kshitauḥ(tau) || [18*] .
46 Varmmabhyam sakalam sariram-asakrit-sa[m"]veshtya lil-anvitaḥ pi(pi)nau dvai(dvau) purushō(shau) nidhaya yuga
47 pa[t] skandha-dvaye lilaya | sadya[b]-sata-kripāna-bhasura-karo dhāvaty-a-khinno bhrisa[m*] 48 bhūpālō Hanumat-parakrama iti khyata[b] kahama-mandalaiḥ(le) || [19*] Jätena subhra-va49 pusha sasin-eva yena samva(samva)rddhitam kumuda-shandam-iva sva-göttram(ttram) | sankōchita
50 fi-cha ripa-pankaja-vṛindam-āris-et-5)-yam' ni(uri)po jayati lavdha(bdha)-jaya-pratāpab ||[30]
Third Plate
51 asmim(smin) Kōngōda-manḍalē mahāsāmanta-śri®
B. Grant of Dharmarāja Mānabhīta
This is a set of three plates, each measuring 6.35 inches by 3-5 inches, held together by a ring with seal. The seal contains the emblems of the crescent above, the couchant bull facing proper right in the middle, and an expanded lotus below. Between the bull and the lotus there is the legend reading śri-Dharmarajadevasya. The first plate is written on one side only, whereas the other two plates bear writing on both the sides. The writing on the reverse of the third plate is considerably damaged as portions of the metal on this side have peeled off. The three plates together weigh 61 tolas, while the weight of the ring and the seal is 26 tolas.
1 In the Parikud plates of the same king, Banerji reads: yasy ähva(hva)nän-mama[d*]yu[s]=sura". In the Parikud plates, Banerji reads: Sambhös samsthāna-käri padam-amara-java[b*].
In the Parikud plates, Banerji reads: vaati(t).
The present record helps us in correcting the reading of the Parikud plates.
The danda is superfluous.
The rule of sandhi has been ignored here for the sake of the metre..
In the Parikud plates, Banerji reads: kopēna yo jayati. The medial i of ti is joined with a horizontal stop stroke (here superfluous; at the right of the letter as in the last line of the Sumandala plates and in some other records. See above, Vol. XXVIII, p. 85, n. 5.
The record abruptly ends here. This line containing the beginning of the list of officials to whom the royal order regarding a grant would have to be issued should have been properly preceded by a prose passage mentioning the reigning monarch.