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[VOL. XXIN 34 बहुभिर्व्वसुधा दत्ता राजभिस्सगरादिभिः [*यस्य यस्य य]दा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य
___तदा फल (लम् )[॥१५॥*] मद्वंशजा[*]परमहीप35 तिवंशजा वा पापादपेतमनसो भुवि भूमिपालाः । ये पालयन्ति म]म धर्ममिमं
___ समस्तं तेभ्यो मया [विरचितोंजलिरेष मानि] ॥ [१६॥*] 36 सामान्ये (न्यो)यं धर्मसेतुर्नुपाणां काले काले [पालनीयो भवद्भिः । सर्वान्ये_ (ने) तान्भाविना (न:.) पार्थिवेन्द्रान्भूयो भूयो याच[ते राम]37 चंद्रः ॥ [१७॥*] दानं वा पालनं वापि दाना[त्*] श्रेयोनुपालनं (नम्) ।
दानात्स्वर्गमवाप्नोति पालनादच्युतं पदं (दम्) ॥ [१८॥*] स्वदत्तां परदत्तां
वा यो हरे38 त वसुंधरा (राम्) । षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि विष्ठायां जायते . कृमिः । [१६॥*]
......[सयुक्षेप]क्षणक्षय (यि)णि जीविते यो द्विजादाहरे.... 30 तस्यां वीचीक्षायो]क्षयः ॥[२०॥*] अपुत्रिकद्रव्यसहवासि . . . .
(1 Plate)
M. VENKATARAMAYYA, OOTACAMUND This inscription was copied in the year 1930-31 by the Archaeological Department, Gwalior State, at the village of Maser, Basoda Pargana, District Bhilsa. The record is fragmentary and its ooncluding portion is not traceable. The existing portions of the inscription are contained in two broken pieces of a mutilated stone discovered amidst the ruins of a fallon house of a Brahmana in the village of Mäser. The only other ancient relics found in the locality were a few broken sculptures and carved stone fragments lying near what looked like the basement of a small shrine. From a perusal of the summary of the contents of the inscription published in the Annual Report of the Archaeological Department, Gwalior, for the year 1930-31, I realised the importance of the rooord for the history of Central India and the Deccan in the 10th century A.C. At my request the Government Epigraphist for India secured two estampages of the inscription which were kindly supplied by the Superintendent, Archaeological Department, Gwalior Stato. I edit the record here with the kind permission of the Government Epigraphist for India.
The epigraph must have been engraved on a large slab which later broke into several piecen. of them, only two have been foumd, the rest are not forthcoming. The first of the extant fragmente, which forms the beginning of the record, containing, as it does, the opening lines, measures 3' 6' by 11" and bears portions of 10 lines of writing engraved on it. The other piece which is a continuation of the first one and has been put together with the first measures 2' 3" by 1' l' and contains portions of 12 lines of writing. Both the pieces have suffered considerable damage. Since the ends and beginnings of lines do not follow in sequence, considerable portions of the full inscribed
1 Annual Report of the Archueological Department, Gwalior, 1930-31, Ines. Nos. 1 and 2: pp. 10 and 22.