No. 2] KOLHAPUR INSCRIPTION OF SILAHARA BHOJA II; SAKA 1101 16 old Marathi documents of the 17th-18th century. The expression golla can be equated with Kannada kolla which means a valley or low land. The Panaturage golta would therefore correspond to the valley formed by the river Dhāmņi, bounded on the east by the Bhögāvati river and on the west by the Kumbhi river, as seen on the maps. There are several mountainous tracts in this region which appear to have been mentioned in the Talale copper plates of Silāhāra Gandarāditya, as forming the boundary of this Paņaturage golla. This golla again seems to have been mentioned in the Bamani inscription of Silahāra Vijayaditya, where it is read as '..pavu[ka]gegolla' wherein the village of Mada[la]ra was situated. The doubtful nature of the reading can be seen from the dots and the square brackets enclosing it. So it is possible to restore the reading as [Pa]patu[ra]ge-golla and Madalāra may be identified with Mandār, which is about 3 miles west of Paņutrā.
My thanks are due also to Sri P. B. Desai, M.A., of the office of the Government Epigraphist for India, for his useful suggestions in connection with this paper.
TEXT Metres: Vv. 1-3, 10, 15, 18-20 Anushţubh; vv. 4, 5, 9, 12 Sārdūlavikridita ; vv. 7, 8, 14 U pajati; v. 13 Mălini ; v. 17 Salini; vv. 6, 11, 16 Vasantatilaka.] 1 ॥ों॥ स्वस्ति श्री ॥ जयत्याविष्कृतं विष्णोर्वा राहं क्षोभितार्णवं (वम्) ।
दक्षिणोन्नतदंष्ट्राग्रविषा (श्रां)तभुवनं वपुः ॥[१॥*] * आशी (सी) द्विद्याधरः पूर्वं ना[म्ना जीमूतवाहनः । परार्थं जीवितं येन
___ गरुडाय निवेदितं (तम्) [२॥*] शिलाहाराख्यवं3 शोयं ।' तगरेश्वरभूभृतां (ताम्) [। तद्वंशे जतिगो राजाऽजनि भूभृ] छिछ (च्छि)
खामणिः ॥३॥* स्वस्ति श्रीजतिगक्षितीशतनयो ना4 यिमनामा नृपः ।' पुत्रस्तस्य [च चंद्रराट् पृथुयशास्तस्यापि सूनुः] किल । ___संजातो जतिगो जगज्जननुतः श्रीमां[श्च] 5 तंन (तन्नं) दनो गोंकल्लो भुवि [भूमिपालतनयः श्रीमारसिंहो नृपः] [॥४॥*]
तत्सूनुर्नुपमौलिलालितपद[:*] श्रीगूवलाक्षो (ख्यो)नृपाः*] । तद्भ्राता भुवि 6 भोजदेवनृपतिः वैरी[भपंचाननश्चक्रे राज्यमखंडितं पृथु]"यशा लंकेशतुल्यः किल ।
[॥५॥*] य[श्या] (स्या)त्मजो कृतनि. . . . . 7 गंवर्गो गोविंदकोंगज . . . . यकसुतां....बभूव भुवि विक्रम....[॥६॥*]
I Rajwide, Marathydichya Itihasachi Sadhand, Vol: VIII, p. 194. .J. B. B.R.A.S., Vol. XIII, Pp.1ff. In this record the tract is referred to MPanaturage-kholla. • Above, Vol. III, p.212. • From the original stone and ink impressions. 6 Expressed by a symbol. • Readings restored from the Kasell plates. • Thedanda is unnecessary.
This reading is restored conjecturally though it is not actually found in the Kalēļi plater.