No. 15] MUNDAKHEDE PLATES OF SRNDRARA JAYASAKTI ; SAKA 602 Pätan insoription of Saka 1128 ; but it is not likely to have been connected with the Sandrakas, as it traced its descent not from the lord of serpents but from the Sun'.
As for the localities mentioned in the present plates, Kundalik mala, the headquarters of the vishaya in which the donated village was situated, is probably identical with Kundalgaon, 14 miles west of Nandgaon near the western border of the Khandesh District. No place exactly corresponding to the donated village Bénink can be traced in the neighbourhood, but Saundane which lies about 10 miles north by west of Nândgaon may represent the ancient village. Jayapuradvari, from where the plates were issued, may be identical with Jeur which lies about 7 miles almost due north of Nandgaon. Kallivana where the donor resided is undoubtedly Kalvao, the chief town of the Kalvap taluk of the Nasik District.
Piret Plate 1 सिद्धम् [*] स्वस्ति [*] जयपुरखारीतो मेरुमही[पारशिखरास्थिाररुचिरसमुन्नते ___ विकसितयशस(सि) [माहति सेन्द्रकराशा] (जाना)म2 न्वयेनेकचातुईन्तगजघटाटोपासमरसंघट्टलब्धविजयी(यो) विजिताशेषरिपुगणः स्वविक्क
म(मा)3 कक्रान्तमहीमण्डलः प्रणताशेषसामन्तशिरोमकुटनिघृष्टपा[दापंकजो नयविनयदयावानदाक्षि
ण्यश्री4 संपदुपेतः शरदमलशशांकमण्डलामलयशसः(यशाः) श्रीवल्लभभानुशक्तिस्तस्य पुत्रस्तत्पादा____ नुद्धघातः स्वभुण(ज)म। णिमयूखचक्क्रबलप्रकाशिताशेषदिक्चक्रश्चक्रवर्तिलक्षणोपेतो विपुलषनपृथुयशसः(यशः)
__कुसुमनिकरो6 पशोभितसकलवसुधातलः समुद्र इव क्षितिस्थितिराजकभूभृत्पालनपरः परमगा(ग)
भीरो देवद्विजातिस्वजनबां7 धवोपभुज्यमानविभवो भवसूनुरिवाप्रतिहतशक्तिः: श्रीमदादित्यशक्तिस्तास्य] पुत्रस्तत्पा___ दानुलपातो व्यपगातस]- . . जलजलधरव्योमतालाशरदिन्दुकिरणषवलतरयशोवितानलंषितांभोषिपरापरः(पारापारः) सेन्द्र
IAbore, Vol. I, P.342. * From the photo-zinoograph published in the Prabhata (Marithi) for Chaitra, Saka 1829. • Expressed by a symbol. • This expression is used to describo Adityatekti in the Begumrl platou, and Allatakt in the Kisiri plates
This expression cours in the description of Allabakti in the Bagumri sad Niged plates.